
‘Japan's government stands for peaceful resolution of Karabakh conflict’

06.05.2016 | Readed: 1259

Director-General of the International Bureau of Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, member of House of Representatives Tanaka Kazunori has said his country stands for peaceful settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as he met with Azerbaijani......

TRT World channel highlights Armenian vandalism against Azerbaijani civilians

04.05.2016 | Readed: 1471

Turkish TRT World television channel has aired a report entitled “The Karabakh Conundrum: A journey to the frontlines of Azerbaijan and the Armenian occupied Karabakh”, focusing on the Armenian vandalism against Azerbaijani......

State adviser conveys Azerbaijani President’s Easter greetings to Orthodox Christian community of country

03.05.2016 | Readed: 1140

Azerbaijan`s State Adviser on Inter-ethnic, Multicultural and Religious Affairs of Azerbaijan Kamal Abdullayev has conveyed Azerbaijani President’s Holy Easter greetings to Orthodox Christian community of country. He read out the relevant congratulatory letter......

Maltese President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca arrives in Azerbaijan for working visit

26.04.2016 | Readed: 1408

President of Malta Marie Louise Coleiro Preca has today arrived in the Republic of Azerbaijan for a working visit. A guard of honor was arranged for the Maltese President at the Heydar Aliyev International Airport decorated......

Azerbaijan, Iran discuss development of interparliamentary ties

20.04.2016 | Readed: 1168

Azerbaijan and Iran have explored ways of developing interparliamentary relations as Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Ogtay Asadov met with Iranian counterpart Ali Larijani on the sidelines of the first consultative meeting of Eurasia parliament speakers in......

Azerbaijani MP reappointed PACE committee general rapporteur

20.04.2016 | Readed: 1470

The PACE Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination held a meeting on Tuesday as part of the Assembly’s spring session. Sahiba Gafarova, a member of the Azerbaijani delegation to PACE, chairperson of the Assembly's......

Presidential Press Secretary: Azerbaijani President did not met with Cemiloglu and Chubarov

15.04.2016 | Readed: 1197

“President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev did not meet with leaders of the Crimean Tatars Mustafa Cemiloglu and Refat Chubarov,” Press Secretary of the President Azer Gasimov told APA as some media organizations spread information that the......

Armenia brings violence to the streets of Paris

12.04.2016 | Readed: 1356

A group of more than 20 masked Armenians set on violence used iron bars, bottles, ammonia and other weapons against more than 200 Azerbaijanis, friends of Azerbaijan and supporters of international law. They were making their voices known outside of the Armenian......

Vote to expose occupant Armenia!

11.04.2016 | Readed: 1518

Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan has launched a petition named “Establish Justice and Prevent a Great Catastrophe”. The petition says: “PACE Resolution 2085 stresses the fact of occupation of......

Albanian Parliament Speaker: Armenia should immediately withdraw military forces from Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surrounding regions

07.04.2016 | Readed: 1479

“Azerbaijan made a first move in the right direction. It demonstrates the commitment for peace by Azerbaijan and needs an appropriate response from the other side. We therefore call for the immediate withdrawal of the military forces of Armenia from......

Ali Hasanov: Israel must comment on Nagorno-Karabakh

06.04.2016 | Readed: 1259

Israel wants to remain completely out of the Azerbaijan- Armenia dispute over the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh territory that flared anew over the weekend, even though, the Azerbaijani President`s Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov told The......

Turkish and Azerbaijani defense ministers discuss developments on front line

04.04.2016 | Readed: 1410

Azerbaijan`s Defense Minister, colonel-general Zakir Hasanov discussed the latest developments and the current situation in the occupied territories during the phone conversation with Minister of National Defence of Turkey Ismet Yılmaz and Chief of the General......

Vice-president of Italian Senate: SGC is very important for diversification of energy sources

14.03.2016 | Readed: 1491

The Southern Gas Corridor is very important for diversification of sources of energy, said Vice President of the Italian Senate Linda Lanzillotta. “Our support for the Southern Gas Corridor project is very strong. This......

Caspian and Central Asian security discussed at 4th Global Baku Forum

12.03.2016 | Readed: 1459

The 4th Global Baku Forum has today featured a session entitled “Iran and Afghanistan: Keys to regional Caspian and Central Asian security and prosperity. What’s next?”. Moderator of the session, former Italian......

Professor Nargiz Pashayeva: The first democratic republic in the east, in the Muslim world was established in Azerbaijan

10.03.2016 | Readed: 1341

Rector of Baku branch of Moscow State University, co-chair of the Anglo-Azerbaijani Society, head of Nizami Ganjavi Scientific Centre at the University of Oxford on behalf of Azerbaijan professor Nargiz Pashayeva and Lord German, member of the House of Lords of......

Wife of Hungarian Prime Minister visits Heydar Aliyev Center

09.03.2016 | Readed: 1343

Wife of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Anikó Lévai, has visited the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku. She was informed that the center is a cultural complex designed by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid. The Center houses a conference hall with three......

Idaho becomes 21st State in US to recognize Khojaly massacre

26.02.2016 | Readed: 1383

U.S. State of Idaho became the 21st State in the United States to recognize the Khojaly massacre and honor its innocent victims as the Governor of the Idaho C.L. "Butch" Otter proclaimed February 26, 2016 to be the "Khojaly......

Azerbaijani first lady Mehriban Aliyeva meets with French Senate delegation

20.02.2016 | Readed: 1914

Azerbaijan's first lady, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, head of Azerbaijan-France interparliamentary friendship group Mehriban Aliyeva has today met with a delegation led by Senator representing Upper Rhine department at the French Senate, member of......

U.S. State of Hawaii condemns the Khojaly Massacre

16.02.2016 | Readed: 1797

The Governor of the U.S. State of Hawaii David Ige signed a Special Message condemning the Khojaly Massacre, which was committed by Armenia’s armed forces against the Azerbaijani civilians in 1992. The special message,......

Azerbaijani first lady attends Munich Security Conference debates

15.02.2016 | Readed: 1931

Azerbaijani first lady Mehriban Aliyeva and vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva have attended Munich Security Conference debates. First lady Mehriban Aliyeva attended discussion “Boundless Crises,......

US Congressman issues statement on 26th anniversary of 20 January

01.02.2016 | Readed: 2241

Member of the U.S. House of Representatives and Co-Chair of the Congressional Azerbaijan Caucus Steve Cohen made a statement on the 26th anniversary of 20 January tragedy. The statement provides detailed information about......

Foreign military attaches visit International Military Cooperation Department

01.02.2016 | Readed: 2075

Military attaches of 15 countries accredited in Azerbaijan as well as representatives of military attache bodies have visited the new building of the International Military Cooperation Department of the Defense......

PACE calls on Armenian authorities to cease use of water resources as a political tool

28.01.2016 | Readed: 2123

A report by Milica Markovic entitled “Inhabitants of frontier regions of Azerbaijan are deliberately deprived of water" has been adopted at the PACE plenary session. The reports says: “Access to drinking water and......

We believe American congressmen will consider the importance of US-Azerbaijani relations, Presidential Assistant

26.12.2015 | Readed: 3082

The Azerbaijani President`s Assistant for Public and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov has said he believes that American congressmen will consider the importance of US-Azerbaijani relations as he commented on an anti-Azerbaijani bill sent to the US Congress by......

Diplomatic News Agency: “Ilham Aliyev: we are proud of our cultural and historical heritage”

24.12.2015 | Readed: 3355

Pakistani Diplomatic News Agency and "Centreline" journal have published an article by Mubasshar Ahmed Bhatti titled "Ilham Aliyev: we are proud of our cultural and historical heritage". The article says: "In month of June,......

Azerbaijan becomes member of UNESCO`s committee for protection of cultural property in event of armed conflict

10.12.2015 | Readed: 3161

Azerbaijan has become a member of UNESCO`s committee for protection of cultural property in event of armed conflict. Established by the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention, the Committee for the Protection of......

Vice-president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation attends official reception within COP21 Climate Change Conference in Paris

09.12.2015 | Readed: 3154

Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, founder and head of IDEA Public Association Leyla Aliyeva has attended the official reception organized as part of the COP21 Climate Change Conference in Paris. The official......

Organizational issues of 5th Congress of World News Agencies discussed in London

09.12.2015 | Readed: 2790

Another meeting of News Agencies World Council (NACO) has been held in London, UK to discuss the organizational issues for the fifth Congress of World News Agencies to be held in Baku, in November 2016. The event brought......

A new book sheds light on 1988 Sumgayit events based on information from primary source

27.11.2015 | Readed: 3046

Azerbaijan State News Agency (AZERTAC) has officially launched a book titled “Sumgayit events from a primary source” in which a former Soviet investigator sheds light on Sumgayit events that happened in 1988. The author......

Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan approves parliamentary election results

25.11.2015 | Readed: 2860

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan has approved the results of the parliamentary elections held in the country on November1, 2015. Chairman of the Constitutional Court Farhad Abdullayev read out the......

Texas Governor: I am ready to expand relations with Azerbaijan

14.11.2015 | Readed: 3361

Governor of Texas Gregg Abbott has expressed his readiness to expand relations with Azerbaijan as he met Ambassador Elin Suleymanov and director of Azerbaijan Center in Houston Irada Akhundova. Governor Abbott hailed......

Azerbaijan, Japan discuss how to develop relations

04.11.2015 | Readed: 3486

Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Elchin Afandiyev has today met Japanese Ambassador to the country Tsuguo Takahashi to discuss how to develop bilateral relations between the two countries. They hailed the measures taken......

Azerbaijan, Montenegro sign agreements on cooperation in customs affairs and protection of environment

28.10.2015 | Readed: 3408

The governments of Azerbaijan and Montenegro have signed agreements on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs affairs and protection of environment in Baku. Prior to the signing ceremony, Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister......

Yevgeny Sloboda: CIS observers detected no violations

28.10.2015 | Readed: 3351

“The CIS observation mission monitoring the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan did not register today any violations of electoral law,” head of staff of the CIS observation mission Yevgeny Sloboda told......

Novruz Mammadov`s “Foreign policy: Realities and a look into the future” book published in Turkish

22.10.2015 | Readed: 3177

Deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan, head of foreign relations department Novruz Mammadov`s “Foreign policy: Realities and a look into the future” book published in Turkish language. The book,......

Chief electoral officer: 63,500 young people to vote for the first time in this year's parliamentary elections

21.10.2015 | Readed: 2983

“This year's parliamentary elections will see 63,500 young people cast their ballots for the first time,” Mazahir Panahov, chairman of Azerbaijan`s Central Election Commission (CEC) has told a meeting with representatives of youth......

US Ambassador visits Azerbaijan Central Election Commission

16.10.2015 | Readed: 3011

U.S. Ambassador Robert Cekuta has visited the Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan to meet its chairman Mazahir Panahov. The chairman highlighted the commission`s cooperation with the Embassy. He said this cooperation......

Azer Gasimov: All NGOs are freely functioning in Azerbaijan

15.10.2015 | Readed: 3104

“All NGOs are freely functioning in Azerbaijan,” said Press-Secretary of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azer Gasimov in response to the BBC's question. Azer Gasimov said: “The National NGO forum is......

Azerbaijan-Russia intergovernmental commission gathers in Moscow

10.10.2015 | Readed: 3024

The Azerbaijan-Russia intergovernmental commission has convened its 15th meeting in Moscow. The meeting was co-chaired by Azerbaijan`s first Deputy Prime Minister Yagub Eyyubov and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry......

Azerbaijani delegate highlights the country`s realities at 66th session of Executive Committee of UN High Commissioner for Refugees

08.10.2015 | Readed: 3202

Head of the Department for the Problems of Refugees, IDPs and Migration of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gurban Sadigov has addressed the 66th session of the Executive Committee of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees......

Gintaras Visotskas: Nagorno-Karabakh was occupied as a result of military operations

03.10.2015 | Readed: 3163

An article by famous journalist Gintaras Visotskas titled “When will we stop fawning over Armenia” has been recently published on Lithuanian portal www.slaptai.lt. In the article the journalist argues that Lithuania,......

Elmar Mammadyarov: Armenia neglects its obligations under Charter of United Nations and international law

02.10.2015 | Readed: 3189

“Armenia neglects its obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law,” said Azerbaijan`s Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov as he addressed the General Debate of the 70th session of the General Assembly of the United......

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