
First Army Commander: Azerbaijan`s military is rapidly developing

11.01.2017 | Readed: 1472

“Azerbaijan`s military is rapidly developing,” First Army Commander of the Turkish Armed Forces, Army General Musa Avsever said during his visit with Consul General Masim Hajiyev. Consul General......

Azerbaijan, Andorra discuss bilateral ties

07.01.2017 | Readed: 1561

Azerbaijani ambassador to Spain Anar Maharramov has met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs at the Principality of Andorra Gilbert Saboya Sunyé to discuss the......

Azerbaijan, Turkey hold political consultations

23.12.2016 | Readed: 1528

Baku hosted another round of political consultations between the Azerbaijani and Turkish foreign ministries. Deputy foreign minister of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov and deputy foreign minister of......

Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan discuss inter-parliamentary ties

22.12.2016 | Readed: 1394

Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Ogtay Asadov has met his Kazakh counterpart Nurlan Nigmatulin who visited the country to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the headquarters of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic Speaking Countries......

New Composition of Azerbaijani Friendship Group in Uruguayan Parliament confirmed

15.12.2016 | Readed: 1510

New Composition of Azerbaijani-Uruguayan Friendship Group in Uruguayan Parliament was......

Azerbaijani Parliament holds plenary session

07.12.2016 | Readed: 1576

"The weakening pace of growth in the economy of most world countries, and deterioration of macroeconomic indicators have an impact on Azerbaijan's economy as well," said Speaker of......

Azerbaijan, Serbia discuss inter-parliamentary ties

06.12.2016 | Readed: 1456

Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Ogtay Asadov has met Minister of Internal Affairs of Serbia Nebojsa Stefanovic. The speaker said this visit would contribute to developing ties between Azerbaijan and......

Bosnian FM hails huge potential for development of relations with Azerbaijan

03.12.2016 | Readed: 1652

Bosnia and Herzegovina's Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak has hailed huge potential for the development of relations with Azerbaijan as he met with Speaker of the Parliament Ogtay Asadov in Baku. Igor Crnadak described ties......

Azerbaijan, Belgium, Poland discuss inter-parliamentary relations

15.11.2016 | Readed: 1564

Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Ogtay Asadov has met Polish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Marek Calka. The Speaker highlighted history of Azerbaijani-Polish ties, and praised level of cooperation between the two......

Azerbaijan, Germany discuss prospects for strengthening relations

12.11.2016 | Readed: 1514

Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Ogtay Asadov has met with German ambassador in Baku Michael Kindsgrab to discuss prospects for strengthening the bilateral relations. Asadov emphasized that Azerbaijan attaches great......

Japan`s Nikkei newspaper publishes article about State Independence Day of Azerbaijan

10.11.2016 | Readed: 1471

Japan`s Nikkei newspaper has published an article about the 25th anniversary of restoration of state interdependence of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The article highlights Azerbaijan`s statehood history across the last 25......

Jewish Journal: A Neighborhood of Nations: Celebrating a Special Relationship between California and Azerbaijan

07.11.2016 | Readed: 1572

U.S.-based Jewish Journal weekly has published an article by Head of the Community of Azerbaijan’s Mountain Jews Milikh Yevdayev, who highlights relations between California and Azerbaijan. In his article headlined “A......

Azerbaijan, Pakistan sign bilateral military cooperation plan

04.11.2016 | Readed: 1521

Azerbaijan and Pakistan have today signed a bilateral military cooperation plan as a delegation of the Defence Ministry paid a visit to Islamabad to attend the 7th meeting of the Azerbaijan-Pakistan Working Group. The......

The Asian: Multiculturalism is a state policy for Azerbaijan

02.11.2016 | Readed: 1626

Korea-based The Asian newspaper has published an article headlined "Multiculturalism is a state policy for Azerbaijan". Based on the interview of the Azerbajani Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Ramzi Teymurov, the article......

Azerbaijan, Brazil discuss cooperation

02.11.2016 | Readed: 1571

Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade has met Rodrigo Maia, the president of Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies. Mr. Rasizade praised cooperation between Azerbaijan and Brazil, adding there were great opportunities for......

Sargsyan`s another “forum” show: side effects of political indecision

29.10.2016 | Readed: 1533

While the world`s energy executives gathered in Istanbul for the Energy Congress, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan organized an absurd “forum'” in New York. Called Armenia Investment Forum 2016, this gathering neither had anything to do with its name nor......

OIC adopts resolutions condemning Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan

21.10.2016 | Readed: 1519

The Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has adopted resolutions on the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan and the destruction of monuments, related to the history and culture of Islam, by Armenia in the occupied......

New volume of "Ilham Aliyev. Development is our goal" book published

15.10.2016 | Readed: 1525

The 31st volume of "Ilham Aliyev. Development is our goal" multivolume book has been published in Baku. The book begins with the excerpts from President Ilham Aliyev`s meeting with the Great Britain’s Minister of State for......

Michael Link: ‘The relations between various religions in Azerbaijan can be an example for other countries’

14.10.2016 | Readed: 1526

Vice-chairperson of Azerbaijani Parliament (Milli Majlis), the head of Azerbaijani delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Bahar Muradova met the OSCE director of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Michael Link who is on a visit......

Azerbaijani MP urges Council of Europe to respond to Pope Francis’ call over Azerbaijani refugees

12.10.2016 | Readed: 1491

Azerbaijani MP Rafael Huseynov has urged Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland and members of the PACE to pay attention to Pope Francis` concern about Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs that the Pontiff expressed during his recent visit to......

Azerbaijan, Switzerland discuss inter-parliamentary relations

11.10.2016 | Readed: 1481

Azerbaijan`s Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov met Filippo Lombardi, Chairman of the Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group in Swiss Parliament. The Minister noted that the activities of Inter-parliamentary......

'Azerbaijan has passed a successful and glorious path over 25 years of independence'

08.10.2016 | Readed: 1504

"Azerbaijan has passed a successful and glorious path over 25 years of independence," said deputy head of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration, chief of the administration's foreign relations department Novruz Mammadov as he addressed an international......

New Zealand-Azerbaijan parliamentary friendship group set up

07.10.2016 | Readed: 1505

A friendship group with Azerbaijan has been established at the parliament of New Zealand. The group was set up thanks to efforts and at the initiative of the Embassy of......

Azerbaijan`s Parliament Speaker meets his Latvian counterpart

04.10.2016 | Readed: 1596

Parliament Speaker of Azerbaijan Ogtay Asadov has met Speaker of the Saeima of Latvia Inara Murniece. Mr. Asadov said the visit of the Latvian delegation would contribute to developing relations between the two countries.......

Azerbaijan, Latvia discuss expansion of cooperation

04.10.2016 | Readed: 1455

Azerbaijani Prime Minister Artur Rasizade has met with a delegation led by Speaker of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia Inara Murniece to discuss how to expand cooperation between the two countries. They said relations......

ISESCO chief: Occupation of Azerbaijan`s lands by Armenia is illegal

03.10.2016 | Readed: 1456

“The occupation of Azerbaijan`s lands by the Armenian armed forces is illegal. The issue of Nagorno-Karabakh is the right of Azerbaijan to restore its territorial integrity,”......

‘Azerbaijan is a place for discussion of topical issues’

03.10.2016 | Readed: 1492

“Today, Azerbaijan has become a venue hosting international events and discussion of topical global issues. I believe that the issues discussed at the Fifth Baku International......

UNESCO Deputy Director General praises media-related discussions at Baku Forum

01.10.2016 | Readed: 1486

UNESCO Deputy Director General Engida Getachew has emphasized the importance of discussions at “Transforming of Journalism for the Information Age and its Role in Ensuring Inter-Civilizational Dialogue” round table organized by......

Ilyas Umakhanov: Referendum is a vote of confidence to Azerbaijani President

27.09.2016 | Readed: 1419

Chairman of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, head of the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly observation mission Ilyas Umakhanov has said Azerbaijan`s referendum on Constitutional amendments is a vote of confidence to......

French Senator: Constitutional amendments will contribute to expansion of democracy and improvement of people’s welfare

27.09.2016 | Readed: 1026

Amendments to the Constitution will contribute to the expansion of democracy and improvement of the welfare of the people of Azerbaijan, said head of France-Caucasus friendship group, French Senator Andre Richard. He noted......

Ali Ahmadov: Referendum was fair, democratic and transparent

27.09.2016 | Readed: 975

Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy Chairman and Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmadov has hailed the results of a referendum to make amendments to the country` constitution, saying the voting was “fair, democratic and......

Azerbaijani FM: Armenia must realize that relying on the status quo and armed provocations is a grave miscalculation

26.09.2016 | Readed: 1024

“Armenia must realize that relying on the status quo and armed provocations is a grave miscalculation. Its attempts to hypocritically mislead the international community on the root causes of the conflict by presenting themselves as a suffering side is doomed to......

Azerbaijan, European Union discuss prospects for development of ties

24.09.2016 | Readed: 897

Azerbaijani Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov has met High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini on the sidelines of the 71stSession of the UN General......

FM: Azerbaijan attaches great importance to Declaration on the Right to Development

24.09.2016 | Readed: 1011

“Azerbaijan attaches a great importance to the Declaration on the Right to Development. I would like once more to confirm my Government’s adherence to the principles enshrined in the Declaration,” said Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov as he......

TURKPA to observe constitutional referendum in Azerbaijan

23.09.2016 | Readed: 971

Following an invitation from the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the TURKPA International Observers Mission will conduct a short-term monitoring of a referendum to make amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be held on September 26. The mission......

"Azerbaijan, Turkey enjoy historical unity and it will continue for centuries"

22.09.2016 | Readed: 993

Azerbaijan and Turkey enjoy historical unity and it will continue for centuries, said Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Committee for Refugee and IDP affairs Ali Hasanov as he met with the Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan Ismail Alper Coskun who is......

EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee delegation visits Milli Majlis

21.09.2016 | Readed: 969

Chairman of Azerbaijan`s Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov has met with a delegation of EU-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Cooperation Committee. Asadov emphasized the effectiveness of holding such meetings. “This meeting, an open and......

FM Mammadyarov: Azerbaijan adheres itself to spirit and principles of Non-Alignment Movement

19.09.2016 | Readed: 987

"The Republic of Azerbaijan adheres itself to the spirit and principles of the Non-Alignment Movement. Located on the crossroads of the two major international transportation corridors – from North to South and from East to West, Azerbaijan always promotes......

Arthur J. Finkelstein & Associates conducts survey on forthcoming referendum in Azerbaijan

17.09.2016 | Readed: 1008

US-based Arthur J. Finkelstein & Associates in partnership with the Citizens' Labor Rights Protection League held a survey on a referendum to make some amendments to the Constitution due to take place in Azerbaijan on September......

OIC Secretary-General: Azerbaijan is a country where multicultural traditions and religious values are well preserved

14.09.2016 | Readed: 1078

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has met with Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Iyad bin Amin Madani, who is on a working visit in Azerbaijan. They exchanged views on the level......

Azerbaijan, Germany sign two agreements

08.09.2016 | Readed: 1122

Azerbaijan and Germany have signed a financing contract and a special agreement on "Program for support of the reserved areas of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Zagatala-Balakan region". The documents were signed on behalf of......

Georgian PM: Azerbaijan is our strategic partner

07.09.2016 | Readed: 1055

“Azerbaijan is our strategic partner and main supplier of natural gas. We successfully cooperate with Azerbaijan in all spheres, including energy,” Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili stated at the international conference......

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