
Milli Majlis Speaker meets Iraq's new ambassador

05.08.2010 | Readed: 534

On August 4th Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met Iraq's new ambassador Heydar Shiya Gubeysi al-Barrak. Asadov congratulated the ambassador on his new appointment and wished him every success in his career. The Speaker expressed hope during his tenure the......

Azeri FM to visit Turkey

05.08.2010 | Readed: 505

Azerbaijan\'s Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov is today kicking off a working visit to Turkey.
During the 4-day stay, the minister will attend an informal meeting of foreign ministers of Turkic-speaking countries in Bodrum.




Astrakhan's delegation meets Russian ambassador

04.08.2010 | Readed: 492

A delegation of Russia's Astrakhan province led by deputy Chairperson of the Government Tatiana Yusupova met the Russian ambassador Vladimir Dorokhin on August 3rd. Yusupova briefed the ambassador on the meetings she held in Baku during the visit. She praised the hospitality......

Senate to vote on Bryza`S nomination for US ambassador to Azerbaijan

03.08.2010 | Readed: 507

The vote on nomination of Matthew Bryza to be an US ambassador to Azerbaijan will take place on Tuesday. The first hearings were held at the Senate on July 23rd. US congressmen, Solomon Ortiz, Michael McMahon, Mike Conaway, Bill Schuster, Sue Myrick, Shelley Moore Capito sent a......

Head of Azerbaijani Presidential Administration meets Russian counterpart

03.08.2010 | Readed: 486

Head of the Azerbaijani President's Administration Ramiz Mehdiyev met chief of the Russian Federation's Presidential Administration Sergey Naryshkin. They discussed relations between Azerbaijan and Russia since the conduct of a Humanitarian Forum in Baku this January on the......

Azeri FM receives copies of Moldova ambassador's credentials

03.08.2010 | Readed: 498

On August 2nd foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met with newly-appointed ambassador of Moldova Igor Bodiu to accept a copy of his credentials. The Moldovan diplomat underlined there are ample opportunities for development of cooperation in a variety of fields. He pledged to......

Socialist International's Secretary General briefs journalists in Baku

31.07.2010 | Readed: 566

On July 30th the Secretary General of the Socialist International, Luis Ayala held here a press conference. Ayala briefed the journalists on the activity of his organization. He said the Socialist International was a worldwide organization of democratic socialist, social democratic,......

Azeri top diplomat meets Socialist International's Secretary General

31.07.2010 | Readed: 557

On July 30th Foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met Secretary General of the Socialist International, Luis Ayala. The Secretary General praised the ongoing development in Azerbaijan, particularly accomplishments in non-oil sector. Mammadyarov said Azerbaijan has......

Nagorno-Karabakh case very different from that of Kosovo, Cornell

28.07.2010 | Readed: 561

Svante Cornell, director of the Washington-based Central Asia-Caucasus Institute of the John Hopkins University, has said the case of Nagorno-Karabakh was very different from that of Kosovo. "One difference is the extent of human rights violations and the changes in population structure.......

US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations considers nomination of ambassador-designate to Azerbaijan

24.07.2010 | Readed: 561

U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has held hearings on nominations of ambassadors-designates to Azerbaijan, Greece, Island and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Presiding the hearings, democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen from New Hampshire highlighted the importance of the countries for the......

Nakhchivan`s Supreme Majlis Chairman meets Hungarian ambassador

24.07.2010 | Readed: 558

Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of Azerbaijan's Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Vasif Talybov has met Hungarian ambassador Jeno Boros. Talybov praised the relationship between Azerbaijan and Hungary. He expressed hope that relations would be established between Hungary and......

Milli Majlis Chairman addresses 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament

22.07.2010 | Readed: 550

Azerbaijan Milli Majlis chairman Ogtay Asadov addressed the 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament in Geneva. In his speech, Asadov said today the world community faces such problems as terrorism, separatism, human trafficking, illegal drug trade, climate change, food and energy......

NATO`s New Strategic Concept discussed in Baku

22.07.2010 | Readed: 507

The Center for Strategic Studies under the Azerbaijani President has hosted a roundtable meeting on "NATO`s New Strategic Concept". The event featured a report by Laure Borgomano, Representative to the Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee (SCEPC), Delegation of France to NATO.......

Azeri Parliament's Vice-Speaker meets NDI regional director for Eurasia

22.07.2010 | Readed: 528

On July 21st Azerbaijan Parliament's vice-speaker Bahar Muradova met Laura Jewett, National Democratic Institute's regional director for Eurasia. During the meeting, Muradova praised the relationship between Azerbaijan and the United States. She added the two countries had......

Milli Majlis Vice speaker meets outgoing Polish ambassador

22.07.2010 | Readed: 551

On July 21st Vice-speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Bahar Muradova met outgoing Polish ambassador Kshishtov Krayevski. During the meeting, Muradova said Azerbaijan and Poland had mutually beneficial cooperation. According to her, the two countries also enjoy friendly relations......

Central Election Commission's chief meets NDI regional director

22.07.2010 | Readed: 574

Chairman of Azerbaijan Central Election Commission Mazahir Panahov met Laura Jewett, National Democratic Institute's regional director for Eurasia and Alex Grigorievs, director for Azerbaijan on July 21st. Panahov praised the CEC`s cooperation with international organizations.......

OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and Russian deputy FM discuss Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

21.07.2010 | Readed: 496

Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Ambassadors Robert Bradtke of the United States, Bernard Fassier of France and Igor Popov of Russia, - as well as Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk have met Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Grigory Karasin.......

USA Senate to consider nominee of ambassador to Azerbaijan this week

21.07.2010 | Readed: 511

At the July 22 hearings in the USA Senate Committee on foreign relations under the chairmanship of the senator Jeanne Shaheen will be considered nominees of ambassadors to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Greece, and also Azerbaijan. As earlier informed, on 26 May current year President......

Azeri Parliament's Speaker meets Armenian counterpart in Geneva

21.07.2010 | Readed: 507

On the sidelines of the 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament in Geneva, chairman of the Azerbaijan Milli Majlis, Ogtay Asadov met his Armenian counterpart Ovik Abramyan on Monday. The sides exchanged views on the role of parliaments in settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict......

Azerbaijani Speaker meets his foreign counterparts in Geneva

21.07.2010 | Readed: 542

Visiting Geneva to attend the third World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, the Azerbaijani Parliament Speaker Ogtay Asadov has met his counterparts from different countries, including Kasim Jomard Tokayev of Kazakhstan, Anatoly Rubinov of Belarus, Lorn Mozar of Luxemburg and René van der......

OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs do not want peace talks to stall, Azeri FM

20.07.2010 | Readed: 498

The stance of OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs including the United States, Russia, France, on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is well known. They unambiguously want occupied lands of Azerbaijan to be released, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov . The Minister pointed out that the......

No operations on resettlement of Iraqi refugees in Armenian and Azerbaijani territories conducted

20.07.2010 | Readed: 513

The embassy of Azerbaijan to Syria sent an inquiry to the Iraqi embassy in Syria in connection with the information on resettlement of the Iraqi Armenians living in Syria in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan disseminated in media last days, the Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry's press......

Ukraine, Azerbaijan ‘are' strategic partners

20.07.2010 | Readed: 525

Ukraine and Azerbaijan are strategic partners, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Gryshchenko has told journalists in Baku. He said Ukraine was keen to boost overall relations with Azerbaijan. Gryshchenko said his visit will be topped by discussions on a wide range of bilateral......

Premier of Azerbaijan meets Ukrainian delegation

20.07.2010 | Readed: 484

On July 19th Premier of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade met the visiting Ukrainian delegation led by Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Gryshchenko. Prime Minister Rasizade spoke of strategic partnership of Azerbaijan and Ukraine, the high level of political, economic and cultural ties, noting that......

Milli Majlis Chairman attending 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament

20.07.2010 | Readed: 544

Azerbaijan's parliamentary delegation led by speaker Ogtay Asadov is in Geneva to attend the 3rd World Conference of Speakers of Parliament. The broad theme for the Conference is "Parliaments in a world of crisis: securing global democratic accountability for the common good".......

OSCE chair proposes holding next summit in Astana in October

18.07.2010 | Readed: 589

Kazakhstan, which holds the 2010 chair of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), has proposed holding the organization's next summit in the Kazakh capital of Astana from October 29 - 30, RIA Novosti reports. The proposal was made by OSCE Acting Chair and......

All meetings on presidents level are important, Azeri FM

18.07.2010 | Readed: 482

All meetings held on president's level are important, said Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov while commenting on Armenia's objection to the joint statement's emphasizing the importance of six meetings in the Azerbaijan-Armenia-Russia format. Mammadyarov said the......

Azerbaijani FM meets Hungary's outgoing ambassador

16.07.2010 | Readed: 512

Azerbaijan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov met with outgoing ambassador of Hungary to Baku Jeno Barosh. The ambassador said during his tenure he spared no efforts to make contribution to further boosting and developing the Azerbaijan-Hungary relations. He also......

Ex-state Secretary of Germany rejects groundless charges of armenians

10.07.2010 | Readed: 500

As earlier informed, the German Parliamentary Society in Berlin on July 7 held an action dedicated to the World Refugee Day. The action organized by the Germany-Azerbaijan Relations Development Center (GeFDAB) under the direction of the former state secretary of Germany Edward Lintner, was......

`France backs internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan`

10.07.2010 | Readed: 499

French senator Nathalie Goulet`s has used the "questions to government" procedure at the French parliament to ask Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Bernard Kouchner about "France's attitude to representation of the so-called "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" in France". On......

Azerbaijan delegation at the OSCE PA annual session

10.07.2010 | Readed: 503

Parliamentary delegation led by Vice-Speaker of Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Bahar Muradova takes active part in XIX annual session of Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE in Oslo. Special representative of the PA OSCE on the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict Goran Lenmarker in the......

OSCE PA`s 19th annual session underway in Oslo

08.07.2010 | Readed: 481

The 19th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly with the theme "Rule of Law: Combating Transnational Crime and Corruption" is underway in Oslo. Addressing the event, President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Joao Soares praised Azerbaijan's activity in the......

New resolution on Azerbaijan submitted to the UN General Assembly`

08.07.2010 | Readed: 455

A new draft resolution on Azerbaijan has been submitted to the UN General Assembly's current 64th session in New York. The 10 point draft resolution called "Observance of international humanitarian and international human rights law in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan" bases......

Azeri FM meets Georgian counterpart

08.07.2010 | Readed: 479

Foreign minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met Georgian counterpart Grigol Vashadze on July 7th. The talks focused on the current situation in the Nagorno Karabakh, South Ossetia and Abkhazia conflicts, the ongoing processes in the region, energy and infrastructure projects carried......

Azeri CEC, CoE Venice Commission Organize seminar

08.07.2010 | Readed: 512

Azerbaijan's Central Election Commission (CEC) and Venice Commission of the Council of Europe started seminar and training on upcoming parliamentary elections in the country. The seminar, which brings together representatives of 125 election constituencies, local and international......

OSCE PA`s 19th Annual Session kicks off in Oslo

06.07.2010 | Readed: 493

The 19th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly titled "Rule of Law: Combating Transnational Crime and Corruption," has started today in Oslo. Nearly 300 parliamentarians from across the OSCE area are participating in the session. Featured speakers include Joao Soares,......

Direct US aid to illegal foreign entity in Nagorno-Karabakh is damaging to the US reputation, US Azerbaijanis say

03.07.2010 | Readed: 514

The Azerbaijani-American Council (AAC) and Azerbaijan Society of America (ASA) expressed their outrage over the vote in the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations markup session on June 30th 2010 to allocate $10 million in direct aid to "Nagorno-Karabakh" as a part of the......

OSCE Chairperson calls for compromises in Nagorno-Karabakh conflict resolution process

03.07.2010 | Readed: 480

It is time to make a decision to provide opportunities for reaching a compromise in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process, said OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Kazakhstan's Secretary of State and Foreign Minister Kanat Saudabayev. Saudabayev noted he was keeping a close eye on......

Milli Majlis Speaker meets MEPS

03.07.2010 | Readed: 505

Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met a delegation of the European Parliament on July 2nd. The sides discussed a number of issues, including development of cooperation between Milli Majlis and EP, parliamentary diplomacy, Azerbaijan's European integration and......

EU ‘Could be more active in settling Nagorno-Karabakh conflict'

02.07.2010 | Readed: 441

The European Union's Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby said the organization could play a more active role in finding a solution to the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. "But it must not be instead of the OSCE Minsk Group, but in support of......

Nagorno Karabakh conflict must be resolved ASAP, PACE President

02.07.2010 | Readed: 507

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, undesired developments could occur in the region, PACE President Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said. The PACE President noted the world countries, as well as international organizations have to step up efforts towards......

Azerbaijan, EU to sign associative agreement

02.07.2010 | Readed: 508

The first stage of negotiations to sign an associative agreement between the European Union and Azerbaijan will be held in Baku in middle-July, according to visiting EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby. He said the agreement would contribute to expanding......

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