
European Human Rights Court considers claim of IDPs of Azerbaijan against Armenia

19.09.2010 | Readed: 511

The Upper Chamber of the European Human Rights Court (EHRC) considered the claim of the Azerbaijani IDPs from the Upper Karabakh and held hearings on the case of "Chiragovs and others against Armenia". The plenipotentiary of Azerbaijan at EHRC Chingiz Askerov has informed that the......

Central Election Commission's chairman meets UK ambassador

18.09.2010 | Readed: 521

Chairman of Azerbaijan Central Election Commission Mazahir Panahov has met UK ambassador Caroline Brown. The talks focused on cooperation between the CEC and UK embassy on the forthcoming parliamentary elections in the country. Panahov briefed the ambassador on the preparatory work......

Chairman of State Committee for Work with Diaspora meets Latvian ex-president

17.09.2010 | Readed: 558

Chairman of Azerbaijan State Committee for Work with Diaspora Nazim Ibrahimov has met special envoy to the Secretary General of the United Nations, vice-chair of the Reflection group on the long term future of the European Union, Latvian ex-president Ms. Vaira Vike-Freiberga. Ibrahimov......

Chairman of Azerbaijan State Border Service meets Iranian police chief

17.09.2010 | Readed: 511

Chairman of the Azerbaijan State Border Service, Lieutenant-General Elchin Guliyev has met Iranian police chief, Lieutenant-General Ahmadi-Moghaddam, as part of his visit to the country. They discussed a wide range of issues, including illegal migration, illegal circulation of drugs and......

Azeri FM and EU representative discuss EU-Azerbaijan relations

07.09.2010 | Readed: 523

On September 6th Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met with visiting European Union representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby to discuss the current state of Azerbaijan-EU relations. The sides underlined the importance of the Eastern Partnership program. Mammadyarov......

‘International community pays great attention to elections in Azerbaijan'

07.09.2010 | Readed: 505

"We discussed the pre-election situation with authorities of the Presidential Administration and opposition leaders. The international community pays great attention to these issues", EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby told journalists. Semneby underlined the......

‘Discussion of document on Azerbaijan's occupied territories in UN very important'

07.09.2010 | Readed: 526

Chairwoman of the Milli Majlis Committee for Human Rights Rabiyyat Aslanova said discussion of the document on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan in the United Nations next time is very important. "This demonstrates how the international community places emphasis on the issue and how......

EU Representative meets Azerbaijani community of Nagorno-Karabakh

07.09.2010 | Readed: 491

Visiting European Union special representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby met on Tuesday with Head of the Azerbaijani community of Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan Bayram Safarov. Semneby said his aim is to inquire about the position of the community on the Nagorno-Karabakh......

YAP deputy chair meets EU representative

07.09.2010 | Readed: 524

Deputy Chairman, Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmadov met on Monday with visiting European Union special representative for South Caucasus Peter Semneby to discuss build-up to the 7 November parliamentary elections and political situation in Azerbaijan.


Washington Times: Ignoring Azerbaijan could cost the U.S.

05.09.2010 | Readed: 541

The US` Washington Times published Friday an article "Ignoring Azerbaijan could cost the U.S." authored by deputy director of the American Jewish Committee on Jewish affairs. "Azerbaijan is known mostly for its very significant oil and natural gas reserves, but it also is becoming a......

NATO PA will stress its position on Karabakh Conflict this fall, Azeri Vice-speaker

05.09.2010 | Readed: 510

The President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA), John Tanner promised that the parliament of the North-Atlantic alliance will stress its official position on Nagorno Karabakh conflict this fall, first Vice-speaker of Azeri parliament Ziyafat Asgarov said. Asgarov, who also heads......

Discussion about Armenian aggression is of ‘great' importance

05.09.2010 | Readed: 507

Submission of documents on Azerbaijan's occupied lands for discussion in international organizations, including the UN is of great importance, because the world community will get information about the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, head of the Azerbaijani delegation in the......

EU Special Representative for South Caucasus to visit Baku

04.09.2010 | Readed: 518

The Office of the European Union Special Representative in Azerbaijan informs that the European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus, Ambassador Peter Semneby, will be visiting Baku on September 5-7. The EU Special Representative will hold regular consultations with......

Turkish FM visits Nakhchivan

03.09.2010 | Readed: 545

After his visit to Igdir, Turkey's foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu came to Sadarak region of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The Turkish minister was met here by first deputy chairman of Nakhchivan Supreme Assembly Azer Zeynalov and other officials. Davutoglu highlighted......

Azerbaijan Central Election Commission launches courses in regions

02.09.2010 | Readed: 515

The Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan launched specialized courses on the electoral right in the country's regions. The three-day courses take place as part of the implementation of President Ilham Aliyev`s order on "Approval of National Action Plan on Protection of Human......

Azeri FM meets incoming German ambassador

01.09.2010 | Readed: 515

Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met incoming German ambassador Herbert Quelle. The ambassador handed over a copy of credentials to the Azerbaijani minister, expressing satisfaction with his appointment. The diplomat said the two countries enjoy wide potential......

Azeri FM meets incoming Dutch ambassador

01.09.2010 | Readed: 536

Azerbaijan's Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmar Mammadyarov met incoming ambassador of the Netherlands Arjen Uyterlinde yesterday. The ambassador handed over a copy of credentials to the Azerbaijani minister, expressing satisfaction with his appointment. The diplomat praised......

Chairman of Nakhchivan Supreme Assembly meets head of OSCE office in Baku

01.09.2010 | Readed: 611

On August 31st Chairman of Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov met here with chief of OSCE office in Baku Ali Bilge Cankorel. Talibov praised relations between Azerbaijan and the organization, saying "joint projects implemented in the country have been......

‘Restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity is of special importance for ensuring peace in region'

29.08.2010 | Readed: 538

Restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity is of special importance to ensure peace in the region, Isık Kosaner, new Chief of the General Staff of Turkey, said. According to Kosaner, steps to normalize relationship between Turkey and Armenia have yielded no results, so far.......

‘Central Election Commission always keeps eye on international organizations` activity'

29.08.2010 | Readed: 549

The Central Election Commission of Azerbaijan always keeps an eye on the activity of international organizations including the OSCE Office in Baku, said chairman of the Commission Mazahir Panahov. According to Panahov, the Commission always praises the progressive and constructive opinions......

Borders with Armenia will not open, Turkish FM

27.08.2010 | Readed: 557

Davutoğlu said in unambiguous terms that Turkey would not open its border with the neighbor to enable a NATO disaster relief exercise scheduled for September. "Turkey, as a NATO member, will take part in this exercise," said Davutoğlu. "However, it is not possible to open the border......

Head of OSCE PA observation mission to monitor parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan appointed

26.08.2010 | Readed: 607

The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Kazakhstan's Secretary of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kanat Saudabayev, has appointed a member of the Assembly as OSCE Special Coordinator to lead the OSCE short-term observers to these elections and to deliver the post-election statement on......

‘Possible opening of Turkey-Armenia border does not meet interests of both Turkey and Azerbaijan'

26.08.2010 | Readed: 549

The possible opening of Turkey-Armenia border does not meet interests of both Turkey and Azerbaijan, Ali Hasanov, chief of the Azerbaijan Presidential Administration's department for socio-political affairs, told the media representatives. Hasanov noted the opening of border would......

Chairman of Nakhchivan`s Supreme Assembly meets Brazil ambassador to Azerbaijan

26.08.2010 | Readed: 554

Chairman of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic's Supreme Assembly Vasif Talibov has met Brazil ambassador to Azerbaijan Paulo Antonio Pereira Pinto. Talibov said the opening of Brazil's embassy in Azerbaijan demonstrates that the two countries have good relations. He also......

US former Senator: No more delays in confirming U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan

25.08.2010 | Readed: 519

The Washington Examiner newspaper (23 August) has published an article entitled "No more delays in confirming U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan" by Conrad Burns, former United States Senator. The article says "before adjourning for August, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee postponed a......

OSCE Office in Baku holds media roundtable discussion on covering elections

25.08.2010 | Readed: 576

A roundtable discussion organized by the OSCE Office in Baku on the role of media in the run-up to forthcoming parliamentary elections started today. The event, the third in a series of roundtable discussions held as a follow-up to recommendations from the OSCE Office for Democratic......

Washington Times publishes article by Azeri Council General in Los Angeles

25.08.2010 | Readed: 571

The "Washington Times" has published an article by Azerbaijan's Council General in Los Angeles Elin Suleymanov. Suleymanov said: "Strong, sustainable partnerships are built on long-term strategic interests and understanding. Herein lies an important challenge the United States......

Azerbaijani government ‘ready' to fulfill its obligations in parliamentary elections

25.08.2010 | Readed: 579

The government of Azerbaijan is ready to fulfill its obligations concerning the parliamentary elections, said Ali Hasanov, head of socio-political department at the Presidential Administration, in his interview to journalists. Hasanov said the Azerbaijani government would provide equal......

OSCE Baku office to host conference on role of Mass Media reps in elections

24.08.2010 | Readed: 603

OSCE office in Baku will convene here a conference under the theme "The Role of Mass Media Representatives in Elections". The event will gather together representatives from various media companies, Presidential Administration, Central Election Commission, political parties,......

Milli Majlis Speaker meets Lithuanian delegation

18.08.2010 | Readed: 520

On August 17th Speaker of Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met Lithuanian delegation led by Arunas Valinskas, chairman of the Resurrection Party, member of Lithuanian Seimas` Committee on Foreign Affairs and Lithuania-Azerbaijan Interparliamentary Friendship Group. Asadov said......

Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis meets Turkish President

17.08.2010 | Readed: 501

Ogtay Asadov met Turkish President Abdullah Gu on Mondayl. Asadov praised the relations between "our peoples who share the same language, religion, culture and roots". According to him, such visits contribute to strengthening bilateral ties. He noted the two countries had signed......

Azeri mps meet Lithuanian counterparts

17.08.2010 | Readed: 526

Members of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Committee on International Relations and Interparliamentary Ties met a Lithuanian delegation headed by Arunas Valinskas, chairman of the Resurrection Party, member of Seimas` Committee on Foreign Affairs and Lithuania-Azerbaijan Interparliamentary Friendship......

Bulletin of OIC member states` Parliamentary Union includes summary of Azeri MP`s speech

14.08.2010 | Readed: 598

A bulletin issued by the Parliamentary Union of the OIC member states has included summary of Azerbaijani MP Govhar Bakhshaliyeva`s remarks which she made at the Organization's spring session. The summary says the parliamentarian discovered an Armenian plan to change the demographic......

Chairman of Nakhchivan Supreme Assembly meets Igdir governor

13.08.2010 | Readed: 532

On August 12th chairman of Nakhchivan Supreme Assembly Vasif Talibov met governor of Turkish Igdir region Amir Cicek. Talibov wished the governor successes in his new post, expressing assurance he would spare no efforts to contribute to further developing the bilateral ties.......

Azerbaijan and Netherlands boost cooperation

11.08.2010 | Readed: 525

Chairman of Azerbaijan Parliament Ogtay Asadov met Minister of Justice of the Netherlands Ernst Hirsch Ballin. Mr. Asadov praised relations between the two countries` justice ministries. He expressed his confidence these ties would be developed in other spheres. Milli Majlis speaker......

Nagorno-Karabakh problem ‘to be discussed at NATO PA`s autumn session'

10.08.2010 | Readed: 562

The Nagorno-Karabakh problem will be discussed at the autumn session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, said deputy executive secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party, member of the country's delegation to NATO PA, Siyavush Novruzov. He said Azerbaijan's delegation had a meeting......

Azeri ambassador presents credentials to Kuwaiti Emir

10.08.2010 | Readed: 531

On August 9th Azerbaijan's ambassador to Kuwait Tural Rzayev presented his credentials to Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. During the conversation, Rzayev said Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev attaches great importance to development of relations between......

New Azerbaijan Party deputy chairman meets U.S. Embassy's Political Official

10.08.2010 | Readed: 593

Deputy Chairman, Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), MP Ali Ahmadov has met Brigette Buchet, newly appointed Political Officer of the Embassy of the United States. During the meeting, Ahmadov spoke of the cooperative relationship between Azerbaijan and the United States.......

Turkish-speaking countries` heads of state to gather in Turkey

08.08.2010 | Readed: 569

The next summit of Turkish-speaking countries` heads of state will take place in Turkey on September 15-16. Preparations for the summit were discussed at the informal meeting of the Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kazakh and Kyrgyz foreign ministers on August 4-6 in Bodrum, Turkey. Kyrgyz......

FMs of Turkic-speaking countries give press conference

07.08.2010 | Readed: 552

Ministers of foreign affairs of Turkic-speaking countries, who gathered for an unofficial meeting in Bodrum, Turkey, have held a joint press conference. Azerbaijani minister Elmar Mammadyarov said he discussed Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu. He......

Russian and Azerbaijan top diplmats discuss bilateral relations

07.08.2010 | Readed: 537

On August 6th Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov phoned Azerbaijani counterpart Elmar Mammadyarov.
The Ministers discussed a number of issues concerning the bilateral relations and regional situation.




Azeri Parliament Speaker meets UN resident coordinator

06.08.2010 | Readed: 521

On August 5th Speaker of Azerbaijan Parliament Ogtay Asadov met with the United Nations resident coordinator in the country Fikrat Akcura. Asadov said his country enjoys "close" relations with different agencies of the United Nations, including UNESCO and UNICEF. The Speaker......

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