
Azeri FM: "We must continue to approach conflict situation in Somalia with care and sensitivity"

13.01.2012 | Readed: 810

"We must continue to approach the conflict situation in Somalia with care and sensitivity on the basis of a comprehensive strategy aimed at and addressing the political, humanitarian and security problems in Somalia through the collaborative efforts of all states," said Azerbaijan`s Foreign......

Bulgarian parliament rejects to recognize so-called Armenian genocide

12.01.2012 | Readed: 890

The Bulgarian parliament has refused by the majority of votes a draft bill on recognition of so-called Armenian genocide. According to the Anatoly Agency, the initiative presented by racist and extreme nationalist party ATAKA was included in the agenda of the first session of the......

European Court of Human Rights recognizes territorial integrity of Azerbaijan

11.01.2012 | Readed: 876

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights rejected two appeals against Azerbaijan on Monday.  According to representative of Azerbaijan to the European Court of Human Rights Chingiz Asgarov, Armenian resident of the Azerbaijani Gulustan village occupied by Armenia claimed......

Azeri FM to attend UN Security Council events

11.01.2012 | Readed: 954

Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov has left for New York to attend events to be held as part of UN Security Council. The Minister will attend and speak at the Security Council's briefing on Wednesday chaired by Foreign Minister of the Republic of South Africa and debate......

Azeri vice-premier meets Finnish MPs

10.01.2012 | Readed: 804

On January 9th Azerbaijan`s vice-premier, chairman of the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons Ali Hasanov met a Finnish parliamentary delegation. Hasanov highlighted the causes and consequences of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflicts. He said......

Milli Majlis First Vice-Speaker meets Finnish MPs

10.01.2012 | Readed: 829

On January 9th First Vice-Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Ziyafat Asgarov met members of the Finnish parliament.  Asgarov briefed the parliamentarians on the history, activity, structure and international relations of Milli Majlis. Asgarov said great opportunities exist for......

Azerbaijani envoy sends letter to UN Secretary General

08.01.2012 | Readed: 937

Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the UN Agshin Mehdiyev has submitted a letter to the organization`s Secretary-General and the Security Council. The letter says during the months of October and November, 102 cases of violations of the ceasefire by the military forces of Armenia......

Four international organizations to discuss resolution of frozen conflicts

06.01.2012 | Readed: 890

Baku will host international conference with participation of representatives from GUAM PA, Baltic Assembly, Benelux Parliament and Vychegda Summit. The aim of the event is to boost cooperation among the four structures and discuss resolution of the frozen conflicts. Chief of......

Azerbaijani Premier meets Vincentian counterpart

30.12.2011 | Readed: 875

On December 29th Azerbaijan`s PM Artur Rasizade met Premier of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Ralph Gonsalves. The Azerbaijani Premier expressed confidence Ralph Gonsalves`s visit to Azerbaijan would give a new impetus to development of relations between the two countries. Rasizade......

European Azerbaijanis Congress appeals to French President

27.12.2011 | Readed: 863

The Congress of European Azerbaijanis has appealed to the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy. The statement says that the bill of the Lower Chamber of the French parliament on criminalizing denial of the so-called "Armenian genocide" violates right to freedom of speech and expression.......

Azerbaijani Parliament`s Speaker meets Iraqi FM

25.12.2011 | Readed: 821

On December 24th Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari. Asadov said friendly and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Iraq had historic roots. “I am sure that your visit will give impetus to development of relationship.” Asadov......

Azerbaijani Premier meets Iraq`s Foreign Minister

24.12.2011 | Readed: 861

Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade met with the Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari. Rasizade said Iraq is ‘friendly country' for Azerbaijan, and stressed his country is ready to support Iraq in the new stage of its development. Azerbaijani Premier expressed confidence......

Azerbaijani Diaspora in Germany condemns acceptance by the French Senate of the antidemocratic bill

24.12.2011 | Readed: 881

In connection with acceptance of the antidemocratic bill by the Senate of France about criminal punishment for negation of the so-called "genocide of Armenians" the Coordination Center of Azerbaijanis in Germany (CCAG) has made a statement.  The Azerbaijani Diaspora in Germany considers......

"French National Assembly`s decision is unacceptable for us"

24.12.2011 | Readed: 913

"The decision of the French National Assembly is unacceptable for us. If they express position on events occurred hundred years ago, they also should express position on the Khojaly genocide, turning of one million of Azerbaijanis into refugees and IDPs", said Azerbaijan`s Foreign Minister......

Azerbaijani PM meets Montenegrin former President

23.12.2011 | Readed: 964

Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade has today met visiting former Montenegrin President and Premier, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro Milo Dukanovic. Rasizade stressed the importance of reciprocal visits for development of bilateral relations between the......

Congress of Mexico adopts decision consisting of points of agreement in connection with the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

23.12.2011 | Readed: 945

The Chamber of Deputies of the Congress of Mexico adopted a decision consisting of points of the agreement in connection with the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.  The adopted decision gives detailed information on the history of conflict, underlining that 20 percent of the......

French official visits Azerbaijan parliament

22.12.2011 | Readed: 820

On December 21st  Chairman of Azerbaijan parliament Ogtay Asadov met the Mayor of the 7th District of Paris, member of the European Parliament Rachida Dati. Mr. Asadov said such visits play an important role in developing relations among Azerbaijan, EU and the European Parliament.......

Azerbaijani top diplomat meets vice-president of Czech Parliament`s Chamber of Deputies

22.12.2011 | Readed: 932

On December 21st Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament, Lubomír Zaorálek. Mammadyarov said Azerbaijan attaches great importance to development of relationship with Czechia. They discussed......

UN official Andrei Abramov: Civil society develops dynamically in Azerbaijan

15.12.2011 | Readed: 969

Chief of the NGO branch of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Andrei Abramov, who was in Azerbaijan last month, has sent a letter to Chairman of the International Eurasia Press Fund, Umud Rahimoglu. In the letter Abramov praises the meetings he held during the visit......

"Dagestan interested in development of cooperation with Azerbaijan"

13.12.2011 | Readed: 840

On December 12th Azerbaijani parliament`s Speaker Ogtay Asadov met Chairman of the National Assembly of Dagestan, Magomed-Sultan Magomedov.  The Chairman of the National Assembly said the Dagestani delegation visited Baku to pay respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev on the 8th......

Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Speaker meets Mexican Senator

13.12.2011 | Readed: 809

On December 12th Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met member of the Mexican Senate, Carlos Jimenez Macias and his accompanying delegation. The Speaker noted his country attaches great importance to development of cooperation with Mexico, underlining the necessity of......

Azerbaijani Parliament`s Speaker meets Hungarian President

10.12.2011 | Readed: 861

Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament Ogtay Asadov has met with the President of Hungary Pal Schmitt as part of his visit to Budapest.  Hungarian President welcomed the Azerbaijani delegation and pointed out that he attaches great importance to development of relations with Azerbaijan.......

Russian deputy FM, Minsk Group co-chairs discuss Karabakh conflict settlement

10.12.2011 | Readed: 879

Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Grigory Karasin on Friday met OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs on Karabakh settlement ambassadors Bernard Fassier of France, Robert Bradtke of the United States, Igor Popov of Russia and Personal Representative of OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Ambassador Andrzej......

French Senate hosts "roundtable" on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

09.12.2011 | Readed: 887

A "roundtable meeting" on "The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, forgotten conflict" and "French co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group" was held on December 8 in the French Senate. The meeting was held at the initiative of the French Senate, Azerbaijani Embassy and Azerbaijani......

Joint statement on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict issued

07.12.2011 | Readed: 836

On the occasion of the OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting in Vilnius, the Heads of Delegation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries (Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, Secretary of State of the United States Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Minister for European Affairs of......

Azerbaijani FM holds series of meetings in Vilnius

07.12.2011 | Readed: 854

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov held a number of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the 18th Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Vilnius, Lithuania. In the meeting with the OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier the sides exchanged views on OSCE-Azerbaijan......

Russian President approves Caspian security agreement

04.12.2011 | Readed: 801

President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has signed a Law approving an agreement on security cooperation on the Caspian Sea.  Under the agreement, the five Caspian states - Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan - will cooperate in fighting against terrorism, organized crime,......

Premier of Azerbaijan meets Kyrgyzstan`s President-elect

01.12.2011 | Readed: 875

As earlier reported, Azerbaijan`s Premier Artur Rasizade takes part at the oath-taking ceremony of the newly elected president of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev. In the frame of visit, the Premier met with Almazbek Atambayev. Rasizade congratulated Almazbek Atambayev on his election as......

Azerbaijan`s Premier attends Kyrgyz president`s oath-taking ceremony

01.12.2011 | Readed: 839

Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Republic Artur Rasizade has left for Bishkek to attend the oath-taking ceremony of the newly elected president of Kyrgyzstan Almazbek Atambayev, the Cabinet`s press service said.{nl}The same day premier Rasizade arrived in Bishkek. At the Bishkek Airport......

Bernard Fassier ends OSCE Minsk Group co-chair mission

29.11.2011 | Readed: 830

The French Embassy in Azerbaijan issued a statement on completion of French co-chair in the OSCE Minsk Group Bernard Fassier`s mission.  The statement says Fassier will end his mission late current year. Jacques Faure, ex-ambassador of France to Ukraine will replace Fassier in this......

Moscow hosts 3rd All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress

26.11.2011 | Readed: 873

The 3rd All-Russian Azerbaijani Congress started in Moscow. The event brought together chief of Azerbaijan`s Presidential Administration Ramiz Mehtiyev, the head of the Russian Presidential Administration`s Department for Interregional and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries Sergey......

Baku hosts conference "The 20th anniversary of Independence: evolution of Azerbaijan`s foreign policy"

26.11.2011 | Readed: 823

A conference "The 20th anniversary of Independence: evolution of Azerbaijan`s foreign policy" started in Baku. The event is organized by Azerbaijan`s Foreign Affairs Ministry, NATO International School of Azerbaijan (NISA). The conference brought together Azeri deputy foreign......

Working group on Convention on Caspian`s legal status meet in Astana

24.11.2011 | Readed: 862

The 30th meeting of the special working group on elaboration of the Convention on legal status of the Caspian Sea took place in Astana. Delegations of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan and Iran headed by deputy foreign ministers of these countries attended the meeting.......

Chairman of Nakhchivan Supreme Assembly meets incoming Turkish consul

23.11.2011 | Readed: 888

On November 21st Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov met with newly appointed consul of Turkey to this region Cenk Unal. Talibov congratulated Unal on his appointment as the new consul of Turkey to Nakhchivan. He pointed out to existence of......

"Turkish-Armenian border will not be opened unless Nagorno Karabakh conflict is resolved"

22.11.2011 | Readed: 896

The Turkish-Armenian border will not be opened unless the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is resolved, Chairman of the International Relations Committee of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Volkan Bozkэr said at a meeting with Speaker of the Azerbaijan National Assembly, Ogtay Asadov. Bozkэr......

Azerbaijani FM meets head of Turkish Parliament`s International Relations chief

22.11.2011 | Readed: 816

Azerbaijan`s foreign minister Elmar Mammadyarov has met chairman of the International Relations Committee of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT) Volkan Bozkir. Bozkir praised the Azerbaijan-Turkey relations. He congratulated the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister on his country`s......

Azerbaijan supports Turkey in fight against terrorism

22.11.2011 | Readed: 869

Azerbaijan supports Turkey in the fight against terrorism, chairman of Azerbaijani Parliament`s committee for international relations and inter-parliamentary ties Samad Seyidov said in the meeting with the members of Turkish parliament`s foreign relations committee. Seyidov pointed out......

Azerbaijani Ambassador meets Pakistan`s Foreign Minister

19.11.2011 | Readed: 823

Azerbaijan`s Ambassador to Pakistan Dashgin Shikarov met with the country`s Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar. The sides discussed current situation of Azerbaijan-Pakistan relations. Azerbaijani Ambassador pointed out existence of high level political ties, adding importance of boosting......

Azerbaijan, Pakistan: political relations at high level

17.11.2011 | Readed: 943

On November 16th Azerbaijan`s Interior Minister, colonel-general Ramil Usubov met with the ambassador of Pakistan in Baku Mr. Inayat Ullah Kakar.  Minister Usubov highlighted the Pakistani Ambassador on the functions and activity of the Ministry, the reforms conducted in the......

Azerbaijan`s PM meets high representative of EU for foreign affairs and security policy

17.11.2011 | Readed: 814

On November 16th Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade met the delegation led by First Vice President of the European Commission, high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy Catherine Ashton. The Azerbaijani Premier underlined Catherine Ashton`s......

President of Bulgaria has working dinner with Premier of Azerbaijan

16.11.2011 | Readed: 829

On November 15th visiting President of Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov had a working dinner with the Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Artur Rasizade.  During the dinner, the President and Premier had exchange of views on prospects of bilateral relations, as well as the cooperation between Azerbaijan......

Bulgarian President meets Azeri Speaker

16.11.2011 | Readed: 837

As part of his Azerbaijan tour, President of Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov on Tuesday met with a Speaker of the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament) Ogtay Asadov.  Speaking in the meeting, Ogtay Asadov praised current bilateral relations between two countries and emphasized that reciprocal......

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