
Azerbaijan, San Marino sign MoU

02.05.2018 | Readed: 733

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San Marino as......

President Aliyev: “We’re very glad that Baku hosts F1 for third time

30.04.2018 | Readed: 745

We are very glad that such an event of worldwide importance as Formula 1 is being held in Baku for the third time, said Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev in an interview with Fox Sport TV channel on the sidelines of Formula 1 Grand Prix......

Azerbaijani defense minister visits Chinese Poly Technologies company

30.04.2018 | Readed: 742

Azerbaijan`s Minister of Defense Colonel General Zakir Hasanov has visited Poly Technologies defense manufacturing company as part of his China......

Azerbaijan`s parliament, European Parliament discusses cooperation prospects

28.04.2018 | Readed: 759

Speaker of Azerbaijan`s parliament Ogtay Asadov has met with the European Parliament`s rapporteur on Azerbaijan Norica Nicolai to discuss cooperation......

Moroccan Al-Islah and at-Tanmiya newspaper highlights Azerbaijan`s achievements

24.04.2018 | Readed: 832

Moroccan newspaper Al-Islah and at-Tanmiya has published an article highlighting Azerbaijan`s achievements and presidential elections in the......

Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis consents to Novruz Mammadov’s appointment as Prime Minister

23.04.2018 | Readed: 696

In accordance with Item 9 of Article 95 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Milli Majlis has given consent to the appointment of Novruz Mammadov, whose candidacy was......

Presidential election reflected Azerbaijani people`s will, President Ilham Aliyev says

18.04.2018 | Readed: 798

“The April 11 presidential election has reflected the will of the Azerbaijani people,” President Ilham Aliyev has told his swearing-in......

Azerbaijani President: Jojug Marjanli victory became our revival symbol

18.04.2018 | Readed: 780

“Jojug Marjanli victory became a symbol of revival for us. Every Azerbaijani citizen rejoices and is filled with pride as life is back to normal in Jojug Marjanli,” President of......

President: Democratic development has been going very rapidly in Azerbaijan in the past 15 years

18.04.2018 | Readed: 741

“Democratic development has been going at a very rapid pace in Azerbaijan in the past 15 years. All freedoms have been ensured in Azerbaijan, and I think these 15 years have been very......

President Ilham Aliyev signed order on the execution of powers of members of the Cabinet of Ministers

18.04.2018 | Readed: 870

President of the Republıc of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today signed an Order on the execution of powers of members of the Cabinet of......

The Washington Times: Azerbaijan’s election, an affirmation of stability

17.04.2018 | Readed: 966

The Washington Times newspaper has published an article by CEO of Caspian Group Holdings Rob Sobhani hailing the April 11presidential election in Azerbaijan as......

European Conservatives and Reformists Group: Presidential election in Azerbaijan held in compliance with national legislation

13.04.2018 | Readed: 901

The observation mission of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) has issued a statement on the outcome of the April 11 presidential election in......

The Jerusalem Post: Azerbaijan's election to set stage for stability, development, prosperity

09.04.2018 | Readed: 983

The Jerusalem Post has published an article by political analyst Arye Gut headlined "Azerbaijan's election to set stage for stability, development,......

"Azerbaijani, Palestinian relations are based on historical roots"

09.04.2018 | Readed: 1427

Azerbaijani, Palestinian relations are based on historical roots, said Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Office Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshukur Pashazade as he met Minister of Foreign Affairs......

Baku hosts conference on protection of national and moral values in internet media and social networks

30.03.2018 | Readed: 1330

A conference entitled “Protection of the national and moral values in internet media and social networks: journalistic solidarity against negative trends” has kicked off at the......

Israeli ambassador: I believe that the elections will show the will of the people of Azerbaijan

29.03.2018 | Readed: 1372

“Free and independent elections are very important in a democratic society and it is very important that the Constitution of Azerbaijan provides all citizens the right to vote. I......

Four organizations apply to CEC to hold exit-polls during presidential elections

26.03.2018 | Readed: 1218

Four organizations have submitted their documents to the Central Election Commission (CEC) to conduct exit-polls during the forthcoming 11 April presidential election in......

Baku hosts conference on the role and responsibilities of media in presidential elections

19.03.2018 | Readed: 1356

A conference on the role and responsibilities of the media in the upcoming presidential elections has kicked off in......

Global Baku Forum discusses goals and consequences of separatist politics

16.03.2018 | Readed: 1767

The 6th Global Baku Forum has featured “Majorities Versus Minorities” panel session, which discussed goals and consequences of separatist......

Anadolu Agency, TRT channel heads visit AZERTAC

15.03.2018 | Readed: 1956

“We feel a sense of pride as Azerbaijan,......

Georgian defense minister: Strategic partnership with Azerbaijan is of great importance to regional stability

10.03.2018 | Readed: 2766

“Strategic partnership and friendship between Azerbaijan and Georgia is of great importance to the regional stability,” said Georgian......

OSCE/ODIHR opens observation mission for presidential elections in Azerbaijan

10.03.2018 | Readed: 2661

The Election Observation Mission (EOM) of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has officially started working in Azerbaijan, said Corien Jonker, Head of......

Foreign Policy News: Women in Azerbaijan: Leading the way for the Muslim world and beyond

09.03.2018 | Readed: 3481

The US-based Foreign Policy News portal has published an article headlined “Women in Azerbaijan: Leading the way for the Muslim world and......

Filippo Grandi hails Azerbaijan-UNHCR cooperation

01.03.2018 | Readed: 1993

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi has hailed cooperation between Azerbaijan and the UNHCR as he met with the country`s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov in......

Michael Møller: Azerbaijan's experience should be further promoted within UN framework

28.02.2018 | Readed: 1015

Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with Michael Møller, Director-General of United Nations Office at......

Azerbaijani FM: Armenia continues to violate the basic human rights of Azerbaijani IDPs

27.02.2018 | Readed: 1132

Twenty percent of Azerbaijan’s territory has been under occupation since more than a quarter of a century as a result of Armenia’s armed aggression, said Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry Elmar Mammadyarov,azvision.az......

CEC Chairman meets head of EU delegation to Azerbaijan

22.02.2018 | Readed: 1574

Chairman of Azerbaijan's Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov met with Head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan Kestutis......

Azerbaijan, Turkey, Ukraine regional format to be created

20.02.2018 | Readed: 1511

"Initiated by and involving Azerbaijan another regional format, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Ukraine is going to be established," Azerbaijani Ambassador to Ukraine Azar Khudiyev has......

Azerbaijan, Hungary discuss prospects for developing relations

19.02.2018 | Readed: 1501

Azerbaijan's Deputy Prime Minister, Deputy-Chair and Executive Secretary of the New Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmadov has met with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in......

Secretary for Relations with States of Holy See hails tolerance and respect to religious communities in Azerbaijan

13.02.2018 | Readed: 2219

Secretary for Relations with States of the Holy See Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher has hailed the tolerance and respect to other religious communities in Azerbaijan as he met with......

Cooperation relations between Azerbaijan and China

09.02.2018 | Readed: 2537

          Azerbaijani investment and transit potential has been on show at Xi’an, China. At an event organised by the Azerbaijani Embassy in China, the Silk Road Chamber of Commerce and the Export and Investment Promotion Foundation in Azerbaijan......

Baku's bid to host World Expo 2025 presented at UN headquarters

08.02.2018 | Readed: 2064

Organized by Baku Expo 2025 negotiation group in partnership with the Permanent Representation of Azerbaijan to the United Nations a presentation on Baku's bid to host the World Expo 2025......

Azerbaijani FM heads to Brussels

08.02.2018 | Readed: 1915

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has left for Brussels, Belgium to attend the 15th meeting of the EU-Azerbaijan Cooperation Council.


Azerbaijani, Russian FMs discuss legal status of Caspian Sea and Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict

02.02.2018 | Readed: 1335

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov had a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, spokesperson of Azerbaijan`s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hikmat......

Kazakh parliamentary delegation pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani martyrs

02.02.2018 | Readed: 1196

A delegation led by Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurlan Nigmatulin has today visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of......

Azerbaijan's Defense Minister, OSCE Personal Representative discuss situation on contact line

02.02.2018 | Readed: 1206

Azerbaijan's Minister of Defense Colonel General Zakir Hasanov has met with Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Andrzej......

Minsk Group co-chairs to visit Azerbaijan on February 6

02.02.2018 | Readed: 1172

The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs are expected to arrive in Azerbaijan on 6 February and hold a number of official meetings the following day, spokesperson of Azerbaijan`s Ministry of......

Livejournal publishes article about Azerbaijan's First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva

02.02.2018 | Readed: 2348

Russia-based Livejournal magazine has published an article describing Azerbaijan's First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva as the most influential woman in the South......

Azerbaijan`s Defense Ministry: Armenian armed units violated ceasefire 114 times

31.01.2018 | Readed: 1590

Azerbaijan`s Defense Ministry has said the Armenian armed forces continue to violate the ceasefire regime. "The Azerbaijani armed forces came under fire from large-caliber machine guns 114 times throughout......

Azerbaijani FM heads to Turkmenistan for official visit

31.01.2018 | Readed: 1176

A delegation led by Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has embarked on an official visit to......

US Department State official hails Azerbaijan’s efforts to improve social conditions of refugees and IDPs

31.01.2018 | Readed: 1156

Jonathan Hayes, the US Department of State’s Regional Coordinator of the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) has commended the government of Azerbaijan for its efforts to......

Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry: Armenian armed units violated ceasefire 120 times

30.01.2018 | Readed: 1288

Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry has said the Armenian armed forces continue to violate the ceasefire regime. “The Azerbaijani armed forces came under fire 120 times throughout the......

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