
“Symbol of Humanity and Person of 2012” award conferred on First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva handed over to Azeri Ambassador in Pakistan

24.01.2013 | Readed: 2760

As AzerTAc earlier informed, the Daily Times, a leading English-language Pakistani newspaper, has announced First lady of Azerbaijan, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO Mehriban Aliyeva a “Symbol of Humanity 2012”......

Ambassador Roland Kobia: EU stays with international law regarding Khojaly airport issue

24.01.2013 | Readed: 2169

The European Union wants to stay with international law regarding the issue of opening of an airport in Khojaly, EU Ambassador to Azerbaijan Roland Kobia told journalists on Wednesday. "The EU countries want to stay with international law and not to do......

“Islamic countries should demonstrate sensitivity to Azerbaijan’s Karabakh problem”, Cemil Çiçek

22.01.2013 | Readed: 1764

“We expect from the Islamic countries sensitivity to the Karabakh problem of Azerbaijan, whose 20 percent of territories have been occupied”, Cemil Çiçek, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, stated at the 8th Conference of the Organization of......

‘Azerbaijan is an important country for Uruguay’

22.01.2013 | Readed: 1668

“Azerbaijan is an important country for Uruguay and we intend to deepen our relationship,” Diego Cánepa, special envoy, ProSecretary of the Office of the President of Uruguay said at a meeting with speaker of Azerbaijan`s parliament Ogtay......

European Union: “We are sure OSCE Minsk Group will find fair solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”

19.01.2013 | Readed: 2027

“The EU welcomes the Chairmanship’s support for the efforts of the Minsk Group and its Co-Chairmen in assisting the parties to find a peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The EU takes this opportunity to reiterate its attachment to the......

Moscow to support Baku in discussion of PACE report on political prisoners in Azerbaijan

19.01.2013 | Readed: 2053

Moscow will support Baku in the 64th session of PACE during the discussion of the report prepared by this Organization on political prisoners in Azerbaijan. The statement came from Vyacheslav Fertisov, deputy chairman of Russia’s delegation to PACE in his......

“Opening of Khojaly airport will harm the peace process of Nagorno Karabakh conflict,” Matthew Bryza

19.01.2013 | Readed: 2043

“Opening of Khojaly airport will harm the peace talks on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict”, said former U.S Ambassador to Azerbaijan, ex-co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, Director of the International Centre for Defence Studies (ICDS) in Estonia......

Head of Turkey's Higher Education Council pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani heroes

18.01.2013 | Readed: 2093

On January 17th a delegation led by Turkey's Higher Education Council (YÖK) Gokhan Cetinsaya, visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of national leader, founder and architect of modern Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev. They put flowers at......

OSCE Chairman-in-Office: “Ukraine will hand its support to the efforts Minsk group co-chairs aimed at re-energizing the negotiations over the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.”

18.01.2013 | Readed: 2016

“The situation around Nagorno-Karabakh settlement requires continuous and close attention on the part of the OSCE. Ukraine will hand its support to the efforts Minsk group co-chairs aimed at re-energizing the negotiations over this conflict”, said OSCE......

Slovenian PM pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev

17.01.2013 | Readed: 2022

On January 16th Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Jansa visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of national leader, founder and architect of modern Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev. He also put flowers at the grave of prominent......

Slovenian PM visits National Flag Square in Baku

17.01.2013 | Readed: 2056

On January 16th Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša visited the National Flag Square here. The PM was told that President Ilham Aliyev signed an Order on establishment of National Flag Square in Baku on November 17, 2007. The same day, the President......

Slovenian PM ends official visit to Azerbaijan

17.01.2013 | Readed: 2022

On January 16th Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Janša completed his official visit to Azerbaijan. A guard of honour was lined up for the Slovenian Premier at the Heydar Aliyev International Airport decorated with the national flags of the two......

Slovenian PM embarks on official Azerbaijan visit

16.01.2013 | Readed: 2035

On January 15th Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša arrived in Azerbaijan on an official visit. At the Heydar Aliyev International Airport decorated with national flags of both countries, a guard of honor was lined up in honor of the Slovenian......

Azeri Consul General addresses California State Senate

16.01.2013 | Readed: 2024

On January 14, 2013, the California State Senate officially welcomed Consul General Nasimi Aghayev. Senator Bob Huff, the Republican Leader of the Senate, introduced the Consul General to the Senate Floor. He noted that "Azerbaijan is a strong ally of the......

Norwegian FM pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani martyrs

15.01.2013 | Readed: 2148

On January 14th Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway Espen Barth visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of Azerbaijan`s national leader, founder and architect of modern Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev. He also put flowers at the grave of......

FM: “Norway is interested in developing cooperation with Azerbaijan in a variety of fields”

15.01.2013 | Readed: 1948

“Norway is interested in developing cooperation with Azerbaijan in a variety of fields and there is a great potential for this,” said visiting Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Espen Barth Eide in a meeting with Azerbaijan`s counterpart Elmar......

Azerbaijani, Armenian FMs to meet OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs in Paris

15.01.2013 | Readed: 1932

Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers will meet the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs in Paris late January to discuss settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The statement came from Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov at a joint news conference with......

“Baku - sunny and tolerant city”, Egyptian magazine “Al-Ahram Al-Arabi”

15.01.2013 | Readed: 1843

An influential weekly Egyptian magazine “Al-Ahram Al-Arabi” has published an article titled “Baku - sunny and tolerant city”. According to the Azerbaijan embassy in Egypt, the author of the article, deputy editor-in-chief of the Al-Ahram newspaper......

Azerbaijan`s first lady meets Founder and President of Advanced Development for Africa Foundation

15.01.2013 | Readed: 1723

On January 14th Azerbaijan`s first lady, president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO and ISESCO goodwill ambassador, MP Mehriban Aliyeva met Founder and President of the Advanced Development for Africa (ADA) Foundation, Coumba D. Touré. Mehriban......

Azerbaijan`s ambassador to US delivers report at annual conference on cultural diplomacy in Washington

12.01.2013 | Readed: 2093

Azerbaijan`s ambassador to US Elin Suleymanov has delivered a report at the annual conference on cultural diplomacy in the US. The conference co-organized by the Center for Transatlantic Relations under the Johns Hopkins University and Institute for......

Victoria Nuland: “US to continue cooperation with Russia on solving of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”

11.01.2013 | Readed: 2025

Spokesperson for the United States Department of State Victoria Nuland said that the US would continue to cooperate with Russia on solving of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. "Russia has long been a partner of the United States on a number......

Deputy PM of Kazakhstan pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani martyrs

10.01.2013 | Readed: 1974

On January 9th a delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Krimbek Kusherbaev visited the Alley of Honors to lay flowers at the tomb of national leader, founder and architect of modern Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev. They also put flowers at......

Premier of Azerbaijan meets Kazakh delegation

10.01.2013 | Readed: 2077

On January 9th a delegation led by Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Krimbek Kusherbaev met Azerbaijan's Prime Minister Artur Rasizade. PM Artur Rasizade noted that bilateral cooperation was successfully developing between Azerbaijan and......

Armenia continues violating ceasefire with Azerbaijan

09.01.2013 | Readed: 2334

Subunits of the Armenian Armed Forces shattered ceasefire in Shikhlar and Saricali village of Aghdam region of Azerbaijan on January 7 and 8.
The enemy was silenced with a retail fire, the Defense Ministry said.



US embassy increases number of visas

09.01.2013 | Readed: 1980

The US Embassy has increased the number of visas given to Azerbaijani citizens. According to the embassy, the Consular Section of the embassy issued 5600 visas in 2012. It was noted that the number of tourists visiting the US has grown. Azerbaijani tourists usually visit New-York and......

Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis marked in Kuwait

31.12.2012 | Readed: 1873

Azerbaijan`s Embassy in Kuwait has hosted an event on the occasion of the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year. According to the Azerbaijani embassy in Kuwait, the event has brought together Azerbaijanis living in Kuwait and......

Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and New Year marked in Switzerland

31.12.2012 | Readed: 1938

Azerbaijan`s Embassy in Switzerland Confederation has hosted an event on the occasion of the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New year in Bern. According to the embassy, the event has brought together representatives of the Azerbaijani......

“Ankara scene” newspaper issues Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev`s congratulatory message to World Azerbaijanis

30.12.2012 | Readed: 1655

Congratulatory message of President Ilham Aliyev on World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day-December 31 has been published in the English language “Ankara scene” newspaper. The message was provided to the newspaper by the Azerbaijani Embassy in......

Head of Azerbaijani Presidential Administration approves plan of events on 23rd anniversary of 20 January tragedy

29.12.2012 | Readed: 1456

Head of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration has issued a relevant order on approval of the plan of events on 23rd anniversary of 20 January tragedy. The document envisages holding events, conferences, meetings, delivering lectures, covering these......

Georgian Premier visits Heydar Aliyev Center

28.12.2012 | Readed: 1757

Prime Minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili has today visited the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku. The Premier was informed that the centre is a cultural complex in Baku, Azerbaijan, named after former president of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev. The complex is......

Georgian Prime Minister ends official visit to Azerbaijan

28.12.2012 | Readed: 1442

On December 27th Georgian Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili completed his first trip to Azerbaijani capital. A guard of honour was lined up for PM Bidzina Ivanishvili at the Heydar Aliyev International Airport decorated with state flags of the two......

US embassy simplifies visa regime for Azerbaijan

28.12.2012 | Readed: 1696

US embassy held an event in the American Center on December 27, to report new regulations of American visa procedures. Consul General Eric Morin told in details about the changes to the visa procedures. “The new regulation will simplify the procedures of......

Georgian Premier arrives in Azerbaijan

27.12.2012 | Readed: 1389

On December 26th Prime Minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili arrived in Azerbaijan on an official visit. At the Heydar Aliyev International Airport decorated with national flags of both countries, a guard of honor was lined up in honor of the Georgian......

Georgian PM pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev

27.12.2012 | Readed: 1591

On December 26th Prime Minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of national leader, founder and architect of modern Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev. He also put flowers at the grave of prominent......

Georgian PM pays respect to Azerbaijani heroes

27.12.2012 | Readed: 1457

On December 26th Prime Minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili visited the Alley of Martyrs to pay tribute to Azerbaijani heroes who sacrificed their lives for the sake of independence and territorial integrity of......

Azerbaijan highly values relations with Georgia in political, economic and other fields

27.12.2012 | Readed: 1498

On December 26th Azerbaijani Prime Minister Artur Rasizade met with Georgian delegation led by the Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili. Artur Rasizade emphasized that Azerbaijan highly values the level of relations with Georgia in political, economic and......

Georgian Premier visits National Flag Square in Baku

27.12.2012 | Readed: 1459

On December 26th Prime Minister of Georgia Bidzina Ivanishvili visited the National Flag Square here. The PM was told that President Ilham Aliyev signed an Order on establishment of National Flag Square in Baku on November 17, 2007. The same day, the......

YAP organizes conference "Azerbaijan 2013: new targets, new victories"

25.12.2012 | Readed: 1537

The New Azerbaijan Party has organized a conference "Azerbaijan 2013: new targets, new victories" on Monday. The event brought together state and government officials, MPs, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations. The......

Visionary leader of Azerbaijan, Daily Times

25.12.2012 | Readed: 1442

Pakistani English language newspaper “Daily Times” has published an article dedicated to President Ilham Aliyev’s activity. The author, in particular, writes: “Twenty years ago it was hard to believe that Azerbaijan would become what it is today. Since the......

President of European Council: Cooperation between EU and Russia can contribute to solving Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

22.12.2012 | Readed: 1561

President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy said cooperation between the EU and Russia could contribute to the resolution of conflicts in the European space. Speaking at the 30th bilateral summit between the European Union and Russia, Rompuy said......

Azerbaijan`s Speaker meets head of European regional organization

21.12.2012 | Readed: 1434

On December 20th Speaker of the MIlli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met a delegation of the Southeast European Cooperation Process, which is here to attend the fifth meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of GUAM. Asadov noted participation of five influential......

International Forum on theme “State and Religion: Strengthening tolerance in the changing world” kicks off in Baku

20.12.2012 | Readed: 1507

On December 19th the First International Baku Forum themed “State and Religion: Strengthening tolerance in the changing world” started in Azerbaijan`s capital. The co-organizers of the event are the Azerbaijan State Committee on Religious Structures and Islamic Conference Youth Forum for......

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