
Turkish Parliament Speaker calls on OIC member-states to take tough stance on occupation of Azerbaijan`s lands

12.02.2013 | Readed: 1776

Addressing to the First conference of the Parliamentary Union of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Khartoum, Pakistan, Speaker of Turkish Parliament Cemil Cicek called on OIC member-states to take tough stance concerning occupation of Azerbaijan`s......

President Tomislav Nikolic visits Serbian Embassy in Azerbaijan

11.02.2013 | Readed: 1875

On February 9th President Tomislav Nikolic visited the Embassy of Serbia to Azerbaijan. Serbian ambassador Zoran Vayovic briefed the President on the activity of the Embassy. The President was told that cooperation between Azerbaijan and Serbia......

Serbian President pays respect to national leader Heydar Aliyev

09.02.2013 | Readed: 1774

On February 8th President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of national leader, founder and architect of modern Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev. The Serbian leader also put flowers at the grave of prominent......

Serbian President pays respect to Azerbaijani heroes

09.02.2013 | Readed: 1683

On February 8th President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic visited the Alley of Martyrs to pay tribute to Azerbaijani heroes who sacrificed their lives for the sake of independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. A guard of honor was lined up for......

Azerbaijani Prime Minister, Serbian President has joint working lunch

09.02.2013 | Readed: 1779

On February 8th Azerbaijan`s Prime Minister Artur Rasizade had a joint working lunch with President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic. During the lunch they exchanged views on prospects for developing economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and......

Azerbaijan, Serbia discuss cooperation prospects

09.02.2013 | Readed: 1659

On February 8th Azerbaijan and Serbia have today discussed prospects for developing the bilateral relations as chairman of the Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met visiting Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic. The Serbian President viewed the Heydar Aliyev Memory......

Azerbaijani and Serbian First Ladies meet

09.02.2013 | Readed: 1681

On February 8th First Lady of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva met with the First Lady of Serbia Dragica Nikolic.



SAM hosts press conference on analysis of Armenia's economy

08.02.2013 | Readed: 1682

A press conference dedicated to the “Analysis of Armenia`s economy” has today been held in the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SAM). Director of the Center for Strategic Studies Farhad Mammadov addressed......

Chairman of House of Representatives of Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina visits National Flag Square in Baku

08.02.2013 | Readed: 1669

On February 7th chairman of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bozo Ljubic visited the National Flag Square here. Bozo Ljubic was told that President Ilham Aliyev signed an Order on establishment of National......

Baku hosts meeting of Senior Officials under Istanbul Process

07.02.2013 | Readed: 2155

On February 6th a meeting of Senior Officials under “"Istanbul Process: New Agenda for Regional Cooperation in the Heart of Asia” commenced in Azerbaijan`s capital. Opening the event, deputy foreign minister Araz Azimov said “this will be a......

Speaker of House of Representatives of Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina visits Heydar Aliyev Foundation

07.02.2013 | Readed: 1835

On February 6th a delegation led by Speaker of House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Božo Ljubić visited the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The delegation was briefed on the activity of the Foundation. They......

British MP: Khojaly airport cannot operate legally

07.02.2013 | Readed: 1663

Legally, Khojaly airport cannot operate, as unauthorized flights through Azerbaijani airspace are not permitted without that government’s sanction,” British MP Chris Pincher, Member of the Energy and Climate Change Select Committee and chair of the Azerbaijan......

Vladimir Dorokhin: Russia to return Gabala radar station to Azerbaijan in previous condition

07.02.2013 | Readed: 1638

Russia is working to return the Gabala radar station to Azerbaijan to its previous state, Russian Ambassador Vladimir Dorokhin told media on Wednesday. "The first meeting of the commission on the Gabala radar station was held yesterday," he said. "Today......

IV Congress of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan commences in Baku

06.02.2013 | Readed: 1844

On February 5th IV Congress of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan (CTUA) commenced today at the Heydar Aliyev Palace. The congress is attended by about 1300 representatives of the member organizations of trade unions and trade union organizations of......

Armenia`s plans on the Khojaly airport will damage peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Serbian ambassador

06.02.2013 | Readed: 1716

“Armenia`s plans on the airport in the occupied Khojaly city will damage the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” Serbian ambassador to Azerbaijan Zoran Vajović said in the press conference. “I hope the conflict will be solved......

We share Azerbaijan`s concern with regards to future of Nagorno-Karabakh, Bundestag member

06.02.2013 | Readed: 1721

“Germany supports the resolutions of the United Nations that have a binding effect in international law. According to these resolutions, Nagorno-Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan,” said Olav Gutting, the Bundestag member from Christian Democratic......

‘Bosnia and Herzegovina considers that Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must be settled on basis of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity’

06.02.2013 | Readed: 1741

On February 5th Bosnia and Herzegovina considers that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict must be settled on the basis of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity, chairman of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bozo Ljubic said......

Azerbaijani Defense Minister meets EU Special Representative for South Caucasus

06.02.2013 | Readed: 1644

Azerbaijan`s Defense Minister, colonel-general Safar Abiyev has met EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Philippe Lefort. During the meeting, they discussed cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union in various directions, military......

Central Council of All-Russian Congress of Azerbaijanis holds meeting

06.02.2013 | Readed: 1825

Central Council of the All-Russian Congress of Azerbaijanis has held a meeting in Moscow. The event was attended by vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, head of the Foundation`s Russian representation Leyla Aliyeva. The event was preceded by a......

IV Congress of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation nominates Ilham Aliyev for 2013 presidential elections

06.02.2013 | Readed: 1710

IV Congress of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation (ATUC) made a decision to put forward Ilham Aliyev`s candidature for 2013 presidential elections. Delegates of the Congress appealed President Ilham Aliyev to give his consent for......

Speaker of House of Representatives of PA of Bosnia and Herzegovina arrives in Azerbaijan

05.02.2013 | Readed: 1855

On February 4th Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Božo Ljubić arrived in Baku. At the Heydar Aliyev International Airport, Božo Ljubić was welcomed by First vice-speaker of Azerbaijan`s......

Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation`s 4th congress pay respect to memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijani heroes

05.02.2013 | Readed: 1826

On February 4th Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation’s 4th congress participants visited the Alley of Honors to lay a wreath at the tomb of Azerbaijan`s national leader, founder and architect of modern Azerbaijani state Heydar Aliyev. They also put a......

NATO Liaison Officer: “Azerbaijan can play important role in returning of peacekeepers from Afghanistan to Europe”

05.02.2013 | Readed: 2083

Withdrawal of the NATO peacekeeping contingent from Afghanistan is one of the main topics of the Azerbaijan – NATO talks, Head of NATO Liaison office in South Caucasus William Lahiu told media in Baku on Monday. Speaking with local and foreign journalists......

Re-opening of Khojaly airport would negatively impact on peace negotiations being held under the OSCE Minsk Group

05.02.2013 | Readed: 1692

European Parliament Member Kristina Ojuland has said that the re-opening of Khojaly airport would negatively impact on the peace negotiations being held under the OSCE Minsk Group. “I must strongly condemn any steps to re-open Khojaly airport in......

Foxconn plans Chinese union vote

04.02.2013 | Readed: 1893

Foxconn, the contract manufacturer whose biggest customer is Apple, is preparing genuinely representative labour union elections in its factories in China for the first time, a powerful sign of the changes in the workshop of the world demanded by an increasingly......

Azerbaijan, Israel discuss bilateral cooperation

04.02.2013 | Readed: 1623

On February 2nd Azerbaijan`s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference. They discussed the Azerbaijan-Israel relations and stressed the importance of reciprocal visits for......

Armenia continues violating ceasefire with Azerbaijan

02.02.2013 | Readed: 1985

Subunits of the Armenian Armed Forces shattered ceasefire in nameless regions of Yusifjanli, Garagashli, Shirvanli and Shikhlar villages of Agdam region and nameless hills of Fuzuli region on January 31-February 1. The enemy was silenced with a retail fire,......

Azerbaijan’s Caspian basin policy discussed at US National Defence University

02.02.2013 | Readed: 2012

Azerbaijan`s policy on the Caspian basin was discussed at the US National Defence University. Azerbaijani ambassador to US Elin Suleymanov delivered a speech at the College of International Security Affairs at the National Defence University on......

Incoming Tajik ambassador visits Heydar Aliyev monument

02.02.2013 | Readed: 1836

On February 1st Tajikistan`s newly appointed ambassador to Azerbaijan Zohir Saidov visited a monument to national leader Heydar Aliyev in a park in front of the Heydar Aliyev Palace. The diplomat put flowers at the......

French senators object to operating flights to and from Khojaly airport

01.02.2013 | Readed: 1948

A group of French senators have sent a letter to state news agency AzerTAc, expressing their objection to operating flights to and from Khojaly airport. “We, senators of France, are very concerned about opening of Khojaly airport”, the letter......

State Committee of Azerbaijan for Work with Religious Associations presents new website

31.01.2013 | Readed: 1987

Today, State Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic for Work with Religious Associations has presented its new website. The event gathered together representatives of diplomatic corps of foreign countries accredited in Azerbaijan, heads of religious......

US New Mexico House of Representatives adopts resolution on US-Azerbaijan strategic partnership

30.01.2013 | Readed: 2041

On January 28, New Mexico House of Representatives of the US adopted a resolution on the US-Azerbaijan strategic partnership. The resolution passed unanimously says Azerbaijan, which regained its independence in 1991, has strengthened its sovereignty and......

Message of representatives of the Russia Community of Azerbaijan over fictitious information on oppression of Russians in Azerbaijan

30.01.2013 | Readed: 2101

We, representatives of the Russian community of Azerbaijan disagree and are deeply indignant at the fictitious information, lie and slander spread on our behalf in Russian and Azerbaijani mass media. We want to note that the Russian community of Azerbaijan......

Armenia continues violating ceasefire with Azerbaijan

29.01.2013 | Readed: 2235

Subunits of the Armenian Armed Forces shattered ceasefire in Kokhanabi village of Tovuz region, Yusifjanli, Garagashli, Javahirli villages of Agdam region and nameless hills of Goranboy region on January 27-28. The enemy was silenced with a retail fire, the......

Marrakesh hosts Fourth Security Forum

29.01.2013 | Readed: 2237

The 4th Marrakech Security Forum, an event held this year under the theme "Impact and perspectives on the crisis in the Sahel regional and international security," opened Friday in Marrakech, with the participation of more 150 security and military officials as......

Azerbaijan, Romania discuss defence industry cooperation

29.01.2013 | Readed: 2442

Azerbaijan and Romania have explored ways of developing cooperation as country`s Defence Industry Minister Yavar Jamalov met Romanian ambassador Daniel Christian Ciobanu on January 28th. They hailed development of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and......

Baku hosts reception on Republic Day of India

29.01.2013 | Readed: 2107

On January 28th the India`s Embassy in Azerbaijan hosted a reception on the country`s Republic Day. After playing the national anthems of the two countries, the ambassador Vinod Kumar briefed the event participants on the country`s gaining achievements in......

Armenia and Azerbaijan: Arriving at a fair and honest discourse

29.01.2013 | Readed: 2069

London-based journalist and head of media for the European Azerbaijan Society Emil Agazade`s article on response Harry Semerdjian has published in influential The Hill journal. I am writing in response to the article by Harry Semerdjian “Christian Armenia......

Co-Chairs of OSCE Minsk Group make joint statement on meeting with Azerbaijani and Armenian FMs

29.01.2013 | Readed: 2048

The OSCE Minsk Group Ambassadors Igor Popov of the Russian Federation, Jacques Faure of France, and Ian Kelly of the United States of America have made joint statement on the meeting with the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Elmar Mammadyarov, and the Foreign......

Azerbaijan`s ambassador hands over his credentials to Director General of OPCW

29.01.2013 | Readed: 2043

Azerbaijani ambassador to Netherlands Mirhamza Afandiyev presented his credentials to Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Ahmed Uzumcu. The Director General of OPCW praised cooperation with......

Azerbaijan’s ambassador presents credentials to Brazilian President

26.01.2013 | Readed: 2304

Azerbaijan’s ambassador to Brazil Elnur Sultanov presented his credentials to President Dilma Rousseff. The ambassador extended President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev’s greetings to President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff. He said that 20 years pass......

Russian leader confers Friendship Order upon Abdin Farzaliyev

25.01.2013 | Readed: 3342

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree on awarding head of Narimanov district local authority Abdin Farzaliyev the Order of Friendship for his great contribution to development of friendship and cooperation with the Russian Federation,......

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