Foreign companies in Nagorno-Karabakh are founded by Armenians Diaspora, spokesman

Majority of foreign companies operating in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh are in fact founded by Armenians living in other countries, spokesman to the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan Elman Abdullayev told a briefing on Friday.
“Such companies have limited investment opportunities and they were created and managed by the Armenian lobby. It is the evidence of the fact that there are no foreign investments at all. The important indicator is the total amount of investments ostensibly made in these territories by world known brands,” he said.
The only nation that is able to ensure development and create favorable investment climate in Karabakh is Azerbaijan. No major regional project can be implemented without participation of Azerbaijan.
“Development of Karabakh is possible only within Azerbaijan. Our citizens of the Armenian nationality living in these territories also perfectly understand it because businesses launched in Karabakh with the support of Diaspora are not the indicator of the economic progress,” Abdullayev said.


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