‘Discussion of document on Azerbaijan's occupied territories in UN very important'

Chairwoman of the Milli Majlis Committee for Human Rights Rabiyyat Aslanova said discussion of the document on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan in the United Nations next time is very important.
"This demonstrates how the international community places emphasis on the issue and how much it is serious," she added. Aslanova underlined the international community continues to defend Azerbaijan's just position.
Aslanova expressed belief that countries will support Azerbaijan's fair position during the discussions, and will make every effort to contribute to settling the problem.
"We believe that the United Nations will say a decisive word for settlement of the conflict contributing to increasing its prestige," she noted.
Aslanova said "we all know that Armenia does not honor the UN Security Council's four resolutions on the problem, and demonstrates disrespect for the organization. That is why the UN General Assembly must put forward a decisive stance".



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