Discussion about Armenian aggression is of ‘great' importance

Submission of documents on Azerbaijan's occupied lands for discussion in international organizations, including the UN is of great importance, because the world community will get information about the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, head of the Azerbaijani delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Samad Seyidov said.
While commenting on soonest discussions of the fact concerning Azerbaijan's occupied territories in the UN General Assembly, Seyidov stated that the main factor is to raise awareness of the world community about the aggression.
"Armenia is already in disarray, as the discussion in the UN will cause the recognition of Armenia as an aggressor country. "It will be a diplomatic victory of Azerbaijan," Seyidov stressed.
"Armenians are well aware that the adoption of the document would weaken the position of the occupier," he said.



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