Washington Times: Ignoring Azerbaijan could cost the U.S.

The US` Washington Times published Friday an article "Ignoring Azerbaijan could cost the U.S." authored by deputy director of the American Jewish Committee on Jewish affairs.
"Azerbaijan is known mostly for its very significant oil and natural gas reserves, but it also is becoming a decisively vital source of support for Washington's push to end the Afghanistan quagmire. The United States has routinely used Azeri airports in support of NATO and U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, and thousands of flights carrying supplies to and from the Afghan theater have crossed Azeri airspace over the past nine years since Sept. 11, 2001."
Stressing occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia, the author says: "Neither Mr. Obama nor his senior aides have come up with a serious plan to jump-start negotiations with Armenia on Nagorno-Karabakh. It took more than a year for the administration to pick an ambassador to Azerbaijan"
"Pinned on the ancient Silk Road bridging Europe and Asia, this former Soviet republic is an indispensable strategic partner."



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