Conference on Validation of Findings of Post-2015 National Consultations in Azerbaijan kicks off in Baku

On June 21st a conference on Validation of Findings of Post-2015 National Consultations in Azerbaijan started in Baku.
The conference was co-chaired by head of the Presidential Administration of Azerbaijan Ramiz Mehdiyev.
Organized by the United Nations, the conference featured speeches by Ramiz Mehdiyev and UN Resident Coordinator Antonius Broek.
Consultant Co-Facilitators from the Government and the UN Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh made a presentation on recommendations for the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
The UN is working with governments, private sector, civil society, academia, think tanks, and other partners to conduct the process of open and inclusive consultations on the post-2015 development agenda, ensuring that the process is grounded on a critical evaluation of how the MDGs have worked as a framework, identifying what has worked well and what are the areas for improvement, especially in response to the emerging global development challenges.
Azerbaijan is one of the 87 countries launched the post-2015 consultations. The UN together with national counterparts and other shake holders conducted discussions that addressed such development issues as diversification of economy, employment empowerment of youth and women, population dynamics, migration and human trafficking food security, nutrition and rural development.


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