Azerbaijan’s flag raised at California State Senate

At the invitation of the California State Senate, upper house of the State Legislature, the Azerbaijani delegation was on an official visit to Sacramento, the capital of the State, on March 11.
The Consulate General of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles told that the delegation led by Samad Seyidov, chairman of international and inter-parliamentary relations committee of Azerbaijani Parliament, included MPs Asim Mollazade, Sevinj Fataliyeva and Sahiba Gafarova, SOCAR vice-president Khalik Mammadov and Consul General of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles Nasimi Aghayev.
An official welcome ceremony was held for the Azerbaijani delegation at the plenary meeting of the California State Senate and Azerbaijan’s flag was raised.
Addressing the event, California Senate Republican leader Bob Huff said that Azerbaijan is the first parliamentary democracy in the Muslim world and a strong ally of the US and also noted both countries share the interests of global and regional energy and security.
Following the event, approaching the delegation, several California Senators thanked Azerbaijan for being a friend of the US in the important and complicated region.


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