President of European Commission: Re-opening of Khojaly airport will harm peace process

“Provocative actions should be prevented in order not to harm peace process. In relation to the Khojaly airport, the EU supports the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs' statements in April, 2011 and July, 2012. They expressed concern that the operation of this airport could lead to increased tensions. The conduct of flights would not help the peace process and the EU urges both sides to seek a negotiated solution," President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso said in his response letter to the European Azerbaijan Society's campaign.
The European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS) is conducting campaign to draw awareness to the illegality of opening of the so-called Khojaly airport in occupied Azerbaijani territory by Armenia. According to the society, the TEAS wrote to various European stakeholders to stress the importance of the airport not being allowed to open in accordance with the Chicago Convention and civil aviation law which recognizes the airspace above the airport and surrounding occupied lands of Nagorno-Karabakh and seven adjacent regions of Azerbaijan.
Barroso`s letter reads that the EU calls upon both sides to act in accordance with international law and consistent with current practice for flights over their territory. The operation of this airport cannot be used to support any claim of a change in the status of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Based upon these supportive statements, TEAS calls upon all EU and international actors to apply diplomatic pressure on newly-elected Armenian leader Serzh Sargsyan to ensure that Armenia honors its commitments to the OSCE Minsk Group and ICAO and does not seek to provoke Azerbaijan by opening an illegal airport in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.


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