Azerbaijan`s Vice Premier meets Regional Representative of UNODC

On March 4th Azerbaijan`s Vice Premier, chairman of the State Commission to Fight Drug Addiction and Illegal Drug Trafficking Ali Hasanov met Regional Representative for Central Asia of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Alexander Sychev.
They discussed ways of fighting against drug addiction, as well as progress achieved in the relevant direction in Azerbaijan, UN`s activity in this sphere.
Mr. Hasanov briefed Alexander Sychev on works done on fighting against the drug addiction in Azerbaijan, adding the country prepared five years program in the relevant direction.
The Vice Premier also said Armenia used Azerbaijan`s occupied lands as a transit on transition of drugs.
He also noted state policy by national leader Heydar Aliyev on fighting against the drug addiction, were successfully continuing by President Ilham Aliyev.
On UN`s activity on fighting against the drug addiction, Mr. Hasanov said Azerbaijan was interested in cooperation and joining the new projects with the Organization.
Alexander Sychev highlighted UN`s activity in the relevant sphere.
He also highlighted Azerbaijan`s experience on fighting against the drug addiction, adding the country was a regional leader.


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