Youth of European People`s Party calls on EU states to urge Armenia to end occupation of Azerbaijan`s lands

The Council of Youth of the European People`s Party (YEPP) has called on EU states to urge Armenia to put an end to the occupation of Azerbaijan`s lands as it convened in Tirana for its first meeting in 2013.
A resolution on energy security adopted at the meeting condemns Armenia`s occupation of 20% of territories, saying EU member countries should call on the Armenian government to stop its policy of occupation.
“Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaijan`s integral part. Unfortunately, the negotiations within the OSCE Minsk Group have not been successful. According to international law, Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity must be ensured without delay,” the resolution said.
YEPP is the official youth wing of the European People`s Party and it brings together over 57 Centre-Right youth political organizations from over 39 countries all over Europe. Founded in 1997, YEPP is now the largest political youth organization in Europe.


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