Speaker of Azerbaijan`s Parliament meets participants of Euronest PA Energy Security Committee

On February 12th Speaker of Azerbaijan`s parliament Ogtay Asadov met participants of the Euronest PA Energy Security Committee`s meeting.
Asadov said that Azerbaijan was interested in developing cooperation with European democratic institutions, inclding Euronest PA.
“Holding the second session of the Assembly and the Committee`s meeting in Baku was a vivid evidence of this.”
Asadov said: “The discussions held in the Committee`s meeting, particularly on energy security are of tremendous importance. Such meetings, negotiations are expanding our cooperation.”
Co-chiarman of Euronest PA Jiří Maštálka said Azerbaijan wasa reliable partner in cooperation in energy security.
He praised Azerbaijan`s contribution to developing the relations with Europe.
They also exchanged views on Azerbaijan`s European integration, and cooperation with Euronest PA.


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