Baku hosts meeting of Senior Officials under Istanbul Process

On February 6th a meeting of Senior Officials under “"Istanbul Process: New Agenda for Regional Cooperation in the Heart of Asia” commenced in Azerbaijan`s capital.
Opening the event, deputy foreign minister Araz Azimov said “this will be a preparatory meeting for the upcoming Ministerial meeting in Almaty in April 26. A text of the declaration to be adopted at the ministerial meeting in Kazakhstan on 26 April will be prepared as part of today's meeting.
Deputy Foreign Minister of Afghanistan Javid Ludin said “Istanbul process” was of great significance for his country.
“Azerbaijan is one of active participants of the Istanbul process, and today’s event is a brilliant example to it”, the deputy minister stressed.
Touching upon Azerbaijan-Afghanistan relationship, Ludin said opening of Afghanistan`s embassy in Baku would give impetus to boosting the bilateral ties.
"Istanbul Process: New Agenda for Regional Cooperation in the 'Heart of Asia'" is a political process, created in the above conditional region by 15 direct or regional neighbours of Afghanistan. The process is supported by states and international organizations, including the United States, Britain, Japan, the United Nations, NATO and the OSCE.
The main objective of the Process is to contribute to peace, stability and development in Afghanistan.
As a country playing important role in enhancing cooperation in the region by ensuring stability and development, Azerbaijan is a full member of the Istanbul process.


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