Vladimir Dorokhin: Russia to return Gabala radar station to Azerbaijan in previous condition

Russia is working to return the Gabala radar station to Azerbaijan to its previous state, Russian Ambassador Vladimir Dorokhin told media on Wednesday.
"The first meeting of the commission on the Gabala radar station was held yesterday," he said. "Today work is underway. The Commission is working towards returning the station to Azerbaijan in its previous condition in accordance with the agreement signed last year."
The equipment that was delivered after the contract was concluded is the property of the Russian Federation. Moscow has every right to take it, the ambassador said.
"Work is underway to determine things that can be taken away rapidly," he said. "Afterwards, the documents will be signed. According to them, the station will fully pass to Azerbaijan's jurisdiction."
"It is still unknown how long that will take," he said. "Experts must determine the things that Russia is eligible to take out. This will take time."
The agreement on the status, principles and operating conditions of the Gabala radar station between the governments of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation expired on December 9, 2012, and the Russian side sent a note halting the operation of the radar station on December 10 last year.
The Gabala radar station located in north-west Azerbaijan was built during the Soviet period as one of the most important elements of the USSR's missile defence system. After Azerbaijan gained independence the radar station became the country's property and Russia continued to use it.


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