NATO Liaison Officer: “Azerbaijan can play important role in returning of peacekeepers from Afghanistan to Europe”

Withdrawal of the NATO peacekeeping contingent from Afghanistan is one of the main topics of the Azerbaijan – NATO talks, Head of NATO Liaison office in South Caucasus William Lahiu told media in Baku on Monday.
Speaking with local and foreign journalists as part of the NATO International School of Azerbaijan (NISA)’s winter session on theme “Security Challenges in Caspian region” in Baku, the NATO official emphasized that cooperation between Azerbaijan and NATO as part of the individual Partnership Action Plan.
"Azerbaijan and NATO have good, productive relationships. As part of Azerbaijan-NATO cooperation we continue the ongoing negotiations on the withdrawal of Azeri peacekeepers from Afghanistan," he stressed.
William Lahiu said that the issue of withdrawal of the NATO peacekeeping contingent from Afghanistan, including the Azerbaijani peacekeepers, is under discussion.
"Azerbaijan is a part of this process, as it is the potential country for the redeployment of withdrawn forces due to its location. Azerbaijan can play an important role in returning of the peacekeeping forces from Afghanistan to Europe,” he said.


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