Re-opening of Khojaly airport would negatively impact on peace negotiations being held under the OSCE Minsk Group

European Parliament Member Kristina Ojuland has said that the re-opening of Khojaly airport would negatively impact on the peace negotiations being held under the OSCE Minsk Group.
“I must strongly condemn any steps to re-open Khojaly airport in Nagorno-Karabakh, an Azerbaijani region occupied by Armenian armed forces since 1990,” she also responded to The European Azerbaijan Society on Armenia’s illegal plans for Khojaly airport.
She said that this action would not only seriously set back a peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, but would also violate international law, as well as the four UN Security Council's resolutions on unconditional and immediate withdrawal of the Armenian armed forces and the Chicago Convention.
“This irresponsible initiative by the Armenian authorities could be perceived as disrespectful of the EU’s efforts in the whole peace process. Given the symbolism associated with the Khojaly tragedy of 1992, such a move could even lead to further increased tension in the whole region,” she added.


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