“Baku - sunny and tolerant city”, Egyptian magazine “Al-Ahram Al-Arabi”

An influential weekly Egyptian magazine “Al-Ahram Al-Arabi” has published an article titled “Baku - sunny and tolerant city”.
According to the Azerbaijan embassy in Egypt, the author of the article, deputy editor-in-chief of the Al-Ahram newspaper Suzy Al-Gineydi, who took part in the first international forum “State and religion: strengthening tolerance in a changing world” writes: “Currently, Egypt which is experiencing a complex historical period faces the need for a priority of the principle of tolerance and preservation of national unity and salvation of the country from division. We believe that in this sense, Azerbaijan is a worthy example. In the 1990s, the Azerbaijani people successfully overcame a difficult period when the country was facing the threat of internal split. However, at that time Armenia occupied 20% of Azerbaijani lands. The separatist regime of Armenia declared the independence of Nagorno Karabakh region. However, this independence is not recognized by any state. This region is an integral part of Azerbaijan in line with the international law. Occupation of this region by the armed forces of Armenia still continues. All the same, Azerbaijan managed to remain an example of the religious and national tolerance”.
Describing her impressions on Baku, Al-Gineydi writes that tolerance is reflected even on the facades of the city buildings. The author notes that the wonderful architectural style of the buildings constructed in Baku, their modern illumination, the beauty of the roads and unique skyscrapers create an impression of being in Paris or any other capital city of the world.
Stressing that Azerbaijan which is famous as a tolerant country hosts different events of international concern, the author refers to the opinion of the chairman of the State Committee for Work with Religious Structures of Azerbaijan Elshad Isgandarov in Al-Ahram Al-Arabi magazine: “Tolerance has become a rare finding in the world. We think that it is more valuable than oil and gas. Fire Temple was built for Indian traders in XVI century in Azerbaijan. There are prayer houses for all religions in our country. The first democratic republic in the East was established in Azerbaijan in 1918. The women gained equal rights and suffrage here in 1919. But, Azerbaijan was occupied by Bolsheviks in 1920. Azerbaijan is a model of secular country based on understanding of the Islam”.
As for the Egyptian-Azerbaijani relations, Al-Gineydi notes that these ties have ancient roots. The author of the article says referring to the ambassador of Azerbaijan to Egypt Shahin Abdullayev that cooperation between the two countries is based on the investment projects in oil sector; however, economic problems and security issues that emerged after the revolution in Egypt hinder the implementation of these projects. The author notes that cooperation has revived recently. She also expresses interest of the Azerbaijani tourists for visiting Egypt.


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