Azerbaijan`s Speaker meets head of European regional organization

On December 20th Speaker of the MIlli Majlis Ogtay Asadov met a delegation of the Southeast European Cooperation Process, which is here to attend the fifth meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of GUAM.
Asadov noted participation of five influential regional organizations of Europe in the Baku meeting of GUAM PA is an indicator of the increasing prestige of GUAM in the world.
“The purposeful work for further deepening ties of GUAM PA was done during Azerbaijan`s presidency. As a result, a document on cooperation with GUAM was adopted by the United Nations.”
"We intend to develop ties with member countries of the Southeast European Cooperation Process in both bilateral and multilateral formats. We think that deepening ties with Bulgaria in various spheres including the one on the level of legislative bodies is important in terms of experience and information exchange. Our parliamentarians closely cooperate in such regional organizations as the PABSEC," said the speaker.
Head of the Southeast European Cooperation Process, deputy chairman of the National Assembly of Bulgaria Georgi Pirinsky said the issues discussed at the organization are important in terms of European integration of member countries, development of bilateral and multilateral ties.
The meeting was attended by head of the MIlli Majis`s administration Safa Mirzayev and other officials.


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