Baku to host fifth sitting of GUAM Parliamentary Assembly

The fifth sitting of the GUAM Parliamentary Assembly will be held in Baku on December 19-20.
The session will be the most comprehensive in the history of the organization. Besides member countries` delegations including Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. the sitting also would be attend by the representatives of Baltic Assembly, the Benelux Parliament, the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) and TurkPA.
Representatives of a number of ministries, the National Academy of Sciences and diplomatic corps accredited in Baku were invited to the session.
The fifth sitting of GUAM will see discussions on the integration processes in the member states, the `Eastern Partnership` program, the role of inter-parliamentary relations in regional and international security, the GUAM region`s energy potential, the participation of the member states in the European energy security, humanitarian, cooperation on humanitarian, scientific and technical fields and other issues.
The Council is the supreme body of the Organization. The Council works at the level of heads of State (Summit), foreign ministers, national coordinators, and permanent representatives. Permanent or provisional working and subsidiary bodies may be set up, as well as meetings of representatives of ministries and departments concerned may be held upon Council’s decision.
The Secretariat ensures organizational and technical support for GUAM operation and works under the authority of the Secretary-General. The GUAM Secretariat is located in the city of Kyiv.


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