Speaker of Azerbaijan Milli Majlis meets Turkish President

Ogtay Asadov met Turkish President Abdullah Gu on Mondayl.
Asadov praised the relations between "our peoples who share the same language, religion, culture and roots".
According to him, such visits contribute to strengthening bilateral ties. He noted the two countries had signed 148 documents. "And today we have signed a new document on strategic cooperation." The Speaker added these documents had created legal basis for strengthening and developing the bilateral cooperation.
Asadov also hailed the parliamentary ties between the two countries. He said Azerbaijani and Turkish parliamentarians support each other within international organizations.
"We also continue our work to establish the Strategic Cooperation Council, and I think that we will achieve our goal in the near future. The documents adopted at the Nakhchivan summit of the Turkish-speaking countries` heads of state create great opportunities for this."
Asadov also underlined the importance of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkish-Speaking Countries which was set up last year.
The Speaker also thanked the Turkish President for the position on settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. "Our people appreciate this position very much."
Turkish President Abdullah Gul praised Azerbaijan's dynamic development, as well as friendly ties between the two "brotherly" countries.
He stressed "Turkey will always be beside Azerbaijan".
The Turkish leader also stressed the importance of organizing joint meetings of interparliamentary friendship groups.
Gul said "Turkey will never make a step to damage Azerbaijan's interests and will make every effort towards ensuring just settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict".

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