Deputy Chairman of New Azerbaijan Party meets representative of the Yedinaya Rossiya Party

On November 23rd Deputy Chairman-Executive Secretary of Azerbaijan`s ruling New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) Ali Ahmadov met Andrey Klimov, representative of the Yedinaya Rossiya Party, member of the Federation Council.
Mr. Ahmadov hailed development relations between the YAP and Yedinaya Rossiya Party adding the cooperation between both countries leading parties is developing in high level. He also said that youth organizations of both countries had also expanded and developed.
The Deputy Chairman also emphasized that the expansion of the cooperation between the youth organizations of the two parties would contribute to the development of the friendship relations.
Andrey Klimov, in turn, praised holding of the ICAPP's 7th General Assembly in Baku. He highlighted the steadily development of Azerbaijan.
Klimov underscored that Yedinaya Rossiya Party is interested in the development of the relations with YAP not only in bilateral format but also within the international organizations.
He invited the delegation of YAP to participate in the conference on cooperation of the political parties of the Eurasian countries.
They discussed development prospects of the relations between the Parliaments and political parties of Azerbaijani and Russian Governments.



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