Azerbaijan sends a note of protest to Uruguay

Azerbaijan's embassy in Argentina (also accredited in the Republic of Uruguay) sent a note of protest to the Foreign Ministry of Uruguay, Foreign Ministry's press service said.
The note has been sent in connection with the visit of the delegation led by chairman of Uruguay House of Representatives to the Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenia. The note says that the visit of the Uruguayan parliamentarians is illegal and underlines that their meetings and statements during the visit are disrespect to Azerbaijan's sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the internationally recognized borders.
It is also noted that this illegal visit demonstrating irresponsibility and indifference could damage the peaceful settlement of the conflict, in settlement of which have been involved for years the authoritative world organizations as the UN, the OSCE, the Council of Europe.
The note says that before the visit, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Uruguay Jorge Orrico assured the Azerbaijani ambassador at the meeting with him that he would not visit the occupied territories of Azerbaijan during his visit to the region.
The embassy asked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay to investigate the case and comment on the issue.



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