Azerbaijani delegation to attend PACE committees` meetings

An Azerbaijani delegation led by Chairman of the committee on international relations and inter-parliamentary ties, Head of parliamentary delegation to PACE Samad Seyidov will leave for Paris, France to participate in the meetings of Committees on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, as well as on Political Affairs and Democracy, on the Honouring of obligations and commitments by member states of the Council of Europe (Monitoring).
Mr. Seyidov will be accompanied by MPs Rafael Huseynov, Elkhan Suleymanov and Sabir Hajiyev.
The Committee deals with a wide range of legal and human rights topics, appointing parliamentary rapporteurs mandated to prepare reports based on in situ research, hearings and exchanges of views with experts.
The Assembly further decides to amend its Rules of Procedure regarding the appointment of its committees, the composition of its Committee on Rules of Procedure, Immunities and Institutional Affairs, the creation of the office of general rapporteur and, in general, the incorporation into the Rules of Procedure of the changes made to the committees' fields of competence.
The committee shall follow the activities of and maintain working relations with the subsidiary bodies of the Committee of Ministers which are competent to monitor member states' obligations and commitments, and with the relevant international institutions.
The visit will end on Thursday.



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