Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Russia call on to boycott "Interrupted Song"

The Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Russia (AYOR) made a statement calling on the Azerbaijani Diaspora in Russia to boycott the Armenian provocative film "Interrupted Song", the premiere of which took place on Sunday in Moscow.
The statement says: "The author skillfully presents anti-Azerbaijani propaganda, representing Azerbaijani soldier bloodthirsty and the Armenian soldiers as noble protecting "motherland. And they manage to advertise their work as "peacekeeping." We would like to note the position of the producer of this picture Goar Gevorgyan, who cynically and insidiously said at the premiere that the Armenians are ready for peace only after the recognition of the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh and the surrounding lands by Azerbaijan.
This provocative film should be boycotted by all Azerbaijanis".



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