PACE Monitoring Committe`s meeting held in Paris

PACE Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee) held Wednesday a meeting here.
The event participants discussed a number of issues, including a report on the "Functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan" prepared by co-rapporteurs Andres Herkel and Joseph Debono Grech, the state of democracy in Europe and the progress of the parliamentary assembly`s monitoring procedure, relationship between Georgia and Russia, post-monitoring dialogue with Turkey and implementation of the commitments of Albania, Armenia, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the Council of Europe.
Head of the Azerbaijan`s parliamentary delegation to PACE Samad Seyidov and MP Aydin Abbasov attended the meeting.
Seyidov told AzerTAc`s special correspondent that the report on the "Functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan" was discussed in a constructive atmosphere. A majority of the Committee members praised the ongoing processes in Azerbaijan."
Seyidov described the report as "objective in comparison with the previous years," adding, however, "it includes some criticism".







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