Khojaly victims commemorated in Mexico City`s ancient church

Victims of the Khojaly genocide have been commemorated in a ceremony at the 16th century Tlakskoake church in Tlakskoake-Khojaly square in Mexico. 
According to the Azerbaijani embassy in Mexico, the church dedicated its first Sunday Service after re-opening to victims of the Khojaly genocide.
During the church service abbot Eduardo Lozano informed parishioners of the Khojaly genocide. He said that although Azerbaijan is a predominantly Muslim country, representatives of all religions are equally and respectfully treated in the country. He said 20 years ago, Azerbaijan was subjected to aggression, as a result of which genocide was committed killing many civilians. "The monument to the victims of Khojaly genocide is a symbol of peace and justice," said Lozano.
A monument to the Khojaly genocide victims was unveiled in Mexico last week. The Kholajy monument was erected after the reconstruction of the Tlakskoake square, and the park here was renamed Tlakskoake-Khojaly.



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