Azerbaijani, Chilean Foreign ministries hold consultations

Ambassador for special instructions on political consultations between Foreign ministries of Azerbaijan and Chile Yashar Aliyev visited Chile`s capital Santiago.
During the visit Aliyev met Deputy Foreign Minister of Chile Fernando Shmidt. They exchanged views on the existing potential for development of Azerbaijan- Chile cooperation in various spheres. The sides praised the fact that Azerbaijani ambassador to Argentina had been accredited in Chile, while Chilean ambassador to Turkey in Azerbaijan. They underlined the importance of high-level reciprocal visits for expansion of bilateral relations. The sides also stressed the necessity of cooperation within international organizations, exchanges in economic, trade and humanitarian areas.
Then political consultations between the Foreign ministries were held together with the Director General of Multilateral Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, Adolfo Garafi and Director General of Bilateral Affairs, Rodrigo Gaette.
They exchanged views on prospects for development of relations between Azerbaijan and Chile, cooperation within international organizations, as well Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict.



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