Members of German Bundestag issue statement on "presidential elections" held in Nagorno Karabakh

German MP and Foreign Policy Spokesman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary-Group Philipp Mißfelder and Member of the Commission on Foreign Affairs of this fraction Karl-Georg Wellmann issued statement on the so-called "presidential elections" held in Azerbaijan's Nagorno Karabakh region.
The report notes that the illegal "presidential elections" held in Nagorno Karabakh territory on July 19, 2012, is a serious blow to the efforts of international community on peaceful settlement of the conflict. "International community considers Nagorno Karabakh as inseparable part of Azerbaijan on basis of international law. The position of Germany and the European Union is that solution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict may be reached only peacefully."
"Neither Germany nor the EU recognized "parliamentary elections" held in Nagorno Karabakh in 2010. Catherine Ashton, high representative of the European Union for foreign affairs and security policy said the structure doesn't recognize the constitutional and legal frames of the "parliamentary elections" held in Nagorno Karabakh in 2010. Ashton also expressed her attitude to the current illegal "presidential elections."
This event creates uncertainty in peaceful settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Catherine Ashton underlined that position of the European Union remains unchanged due to non-recognition of "presidential elections" held in unrecognized Nagorno Karabakh Republic.
The statement's authors said that "Existence of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict over the last 20 years is a ground for reconsideration of its settlement and encouragement of the process of finding a solution. The peaceful settlement of the conflict and normalization of the relations would be a stimulus to economic and public progress in all region of the South Caucasus.
OSCE Minsk Group, NATO and UN must give much attention to solution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict."



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