New Azerbaijan Party nominates its candidate for 2013 presidential elections

The New Azerbaijan Party has chosen its candidate for the next presidential elections to take place in the country in 2013. 
"Our nomination is the chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party Ilham Aliyev, who enjoys support from 600,000 members of the party as well as the majority of the Azerbaijani people," YAP`s deputy chairman-executive secretary Ali Ahmadov told journalists.
"And there are serious reasons behind this. Under President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan`s economy has been rapidly developing. As a result of successful foreign policy the country saw its international positions considerably strengthen. Socio-political stability has been fully ensured in the country, unemployment has almost been completely removed, and the people`s lifestyle has been improved dramatically."
Ahmadov said that YAP's Congress would be held in 2013, which will see the party officially nominate its presidential candidate.



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