Turkish Foreign Ministry issues statement on "presidential elections" to be held in occupied Nagorno Karabakh

Turkish Foreign Ministry made a statement on "presidential elections" that will be held by the Armenian separatists in occupied Nagorno Karabakh region of Azerbaijan tomorrow.
The statement reads: "It is reported that the "presidential election" will be held in Upper Karabakh region of Azerbaijan, which is under Armenia's occupation, in contradiction to the international law and expectations of the international community. This election, which means the explicit breach of resolutions of the UN Security Council and OSCE principles, is a new display of attempt to unilateral legitimization of illegal existing situation in Upper Karabakh. The Upper Karabakh dispute continues to be the biggest obstacle before the establishment of peace, stability and cooperation in the South Caucasus, moreover, it hinders to reach an understanding that could lead to good neighborhood ties and cooperation between the countries of the region. Turkey is determined to keep displaying efforts aimed at a complete and comprehensive normalization process in the region, and it condemns the upcoming elections as they meant a new violation of Azerbaijan's political union, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Turkey will not recognize the results of that "presidential elections," which is illegitimate and doesn't have a legal force."



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