"We will further support the Azerbaijani Diaspora organizations", David Harris

On July 18th the chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora Nazim Ibrahimov met Mr. David Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee. 
N. Ibrahimov noted close cooperation of the Azerbaijani Diaspora organizations functioning worldwide, with the American Jewish Committee. "It comes from our friendly relations", the Chairman of Committee told, underlining that among active members of Azerbaijani Diaspora there are also natives of Azerbaijan of the Jewish nationality.
Mr. Ibrahimov noted that Azerbaijan, 20 percent of the territory of which has been occupied by Armenia, attaches importance to activity of the Diaspora organizations worldwide. "Therefore", he said, "holding of a resolute position in information war is very important from the point of view of bringing to the whole world of the truth about Azerbaijan".
Noting continuous use of experience of close partners of Azerbaijan in Diaspora and lobbyist spheres, the Chairman of Committee emphasized that cooperation with the Jewish Diaspora having a wide experience in this sphere, makes important contribution to strengthening of positions of the Azerbaijani Diaspora.
Emphasizing that Azerbaijan is an important country for the USA, the guest regarded the visit as the next step to development of the relations between the countries and peoples.


Mr. Harris highly appreciated contribution of Azerbaijan to peacekeeping operations in Afghanistan, noting that at the meetings conducted within the visit, these questions were also discussed.
Noting that the Jewish Diaspora of America is a friend of Azerbaijani people, David Harris told that they will render any assistance to the Azerbaijani Diaspora organizations.



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