Azerbaijani FM meets deputy chairman of Mexican Senate

On July 12th Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov met with Deputy Chairman of Mexican Senate Francisco Arroyo Vieyra. 
Mammadyarov expressed his confidence the visit would create new opportunities for boosting cooperation between the two countries. The minister hailed role of interparliamentary relations in today`s diplomacy. He expressed his gratitude to Mexican Senate for recognition Khojaly tragedy as Genocide.
Vieyra said not only oil industry but also all energy sectors have been developed in Azerbaijan. He said the government of Mexico supports Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity. Vieyra stressed the necessity of opening of Mexican diplomatic representation office in Azerbaijan to develop relations even more. On Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict, he expressed his regret about ignoring by Armenia the resolutions of the international organizations.
Mammadyarov said the world community must put pressure on Armenia that Azerbaijanis return to their lands.
Vieyra said the Mexican Parliament will always vote for Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity.
The sides also discussed development of education and exchange of students and experts between the two states.
Mammadyarov thanked again the Mexican Parliament for principle position.



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