Nakhchivan Supreme Assembly`s chairman meets Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan

On July 5th chairman of the Supreme Assembly of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov met Turkish ambassador to Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic. 
Talibov congratulated Kilic on completion of his diplomatic mission in Azerbaijan successfully. The chairman praised the diplomat`s contribution to development of Turkey`s relationship with Azerbaijan as well as Nakhchivan. He also thanked Kilic for his efforts towards development of Azerbaijan-Turkey relations.
Talibov said steady development of relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey also plays important role in definition of prospects for development of the region. He pointed out mutual trust between Azerbaijan and Turkey, strategic partnership was an example in the entire world.
For his part, Kilic said he would always serve both Azerbaijan and Turkey during his future activity.
The sides expressed confidence that relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey would continue to boost.
Turkey`s consul general in Nakhchivan Cenk Unal was present at the meeting.



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