Asian political parties convene in Baku

Azerbaijan`s capital has hosted the 17th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP).


The Meeting brought together 49 delegates from leading political parties of 17 Asian countries.


The event was opened by deputy chairman-executive secretary of the New Azerbaijan party (YAP), MP Ali Ahmadov, who stressed the necessity of expanding the cooperation among political parties in Asian countries.


"The political parties, which are represented in regional countries` governments and parliaments, are capable of influencing and shifting the policy of their states. Asia is quite a large region, and is home to a large number of nations and states. Many of these nations have similar traditions and customs, while their states have close political relations. Therefore the political parties operating in regional countries should closely cooperate."


Ahmadov noted: "This cooperation will pave the way for the founding of the Asian Union. Asian countries today have a strong economic potential. But despite being the economic power of the world, Asia has not enough influence on global political processes. We should seriously think over these issues, and achieve concrete results."


YAP`s deputy chairman-executive secretary said it was important to establish not only the Asian Union, but also the economic union of Asian countries, and the parliamentary union."


"The destiny of regional states must be decided by their peoples, otherwise it will be decided by the countries from outside, and this will have a negative impact on the regional nations` future development. There are many nations in Asia whose destiny is decided from outside."


Ahmadov said the 7th General Assembly of ICAPP, due to take place in Baku this November, would be well-organized.


Co-chairman of ICAPP Standing Committee and Secretary General of ICAPP Secretariat Chung Eui-yong introduced the participating delegates.


The Meeting then heard country reports by participating delegates.


The participants discussed a wide range of issues, including the expansion of cooperation, as well as global political processes.


They also discussed the preparation for and the agenda of the forthcoming ICAPP General Assembly.



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