Azerbaijan, Tajikistan discuss prospects of cooperation

Azerbaijani ambassador to Tajikistan Abbasali Hasanov has met with the Speaker of the lower house of the Tajik parliament Shukurjon Zukhurov to discuss prospects of cooperation.


During the meeting, Shukurjon Zukhurov congratulated the Azerbaijani ambassador on his new appointment, saying "Tajikistan and Azerbaijan has close ties and more than 20 documents were signed up to date between the two countries to ensure development of relations".


"We hail Azerbaijan`s rapid development, growth of economy and President Ilham Aliyev`s activity and efforts in implementation of huge projects" said the Tajik speaker.


In turn, Azerbaijani ambassador stressed the importance of deepening interparliamentary relations, touching upon the activity of the International Friendship Group which plays an important role in this field.


"Today, Azerbaijan is rapidly developing country not only in the region, but also in the world. Azerbaijan is ready to assist Tajikistan in training specialists in various fields, including oil and gas, geology and others" added Mr. Hasanov.


The two sides also touched upon opening of the direct flight between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan, saying the aviation structures of both countries carry out negotiations on this matter.



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