Azerbaijan expresses protest to Turkmenistan

Turkmen ambassador summoned to the Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan due to seismic works carried out by Turkmenistan in Kepez deposit situated in the intersection of Azerbaijani and Turkmenistan's sectors.


"The sides will not carry out exploration and extraction works until the coordination of issues on the division of depth of the Caspian seabed in the zones where the depth of Azerbaijani and Turkmenistan's sectors intersect according to agreement reached by Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan in 2008" has been told in the meeting with Deputy FM Khalaf Khalafov.


This agreement was broken and Turkmenistan attempts to start seismic works in Kepez deposit situated in the intersection of Azerbaijani and Turkmenistan's sectors.


Azerbaijani side expressed a strong protest to Turkmenistan and it was noted that Turkmenistan's improper activity was inadmissible and Azerbaijan has a right to take relevant measures for the protection of its sovereign rights in the Caspian Sea.



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