US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations hold hearing on Morningstar`s candidacy to post of ambassador to Azerbaijan

US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations held a hearing to examine the candidacy of Richard Morningstar to the post of US ambassador to Azerbaijan.


Senator Jeanne Shaheen presided the hearing. Morningstar responded the questions about Azerbaijan and the region.


The Committee chair John Kerry informed about the nominee of R. Morningstar, noting he is a timely and important candidate as Azerbaijan is a strategic partner of the United States.


Touching upon the problem of Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Richard Morningstar said that the solution to the conflict is important not only for Azerbaijan and Armenia, but whole region. "To achieve a more secure and prosperous future for the region, there is no higher immediate priority for the United States than the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict", said the ambassadorial nominee.


Richard Morningstar noted that the settlement of the conflict will create new economic opportunities for Armenia and benefit the countries involved in conflict and whole region as well.


The settlement of this conflict will enable Azerbaijan to focus attention on political atmosphere and security, Morningstar said.


Senator Shaheen reminded about the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's last visit to the region and said the human rights issues were discussed during this visit.


The ambassadorial nominee also responded the energy questions. Underlining the importance of South Corridor and TANAP projects, Morningstar said Shahdeniz consortium would determine the project's future until the mid-2013. "First of all, we need to develop the South Corridor project, which will transport the energy resources to Europe because if we don't rush Azerbaijan can find other ways".


Morningstar said: "I am happy to be nominated to the post of ambassador to this country. Azerbaijan is very important country for the US interests. If confirmed, I will support the US administration's commitments".


At the end of the meeting, Senator Shaheen gave additional 48 hours for the senators to ask questions to the candidate.



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