PACE co-rapporteurs hold press conference dedicated to the results of their visit to Azerbaijan

On June 13th PACE co-rapporteurs Joseph Debono Grech and Pedro Agramunt held a news conference dedicated to the results of their visit to Azerbaijan.


The co-rapporteurs said they have met with officials, leaders of the political parties, representatives of the civil society, mass media and religious structures.
They also discussed freedom of religion and conscience at the meeting.


Agramunt said that they held interesting meetings in the Azerbaijani parliament and discussions on implementation of commitments to the Council of Europe.


The PACE co-rapporteurs positively appreciated the works carried out in Azerbaijan and stressed that they will submit the report of Azerbaijan on commitments to Council of Europe by end of this year.


Joseph Debono Grech and Pedro Agramunt will visit Guba tomorrow and meet with local authorities.



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