Karabakh conflict is not problem of only Azerbaijan, but of whole Europe, former German MP

Former member of the Bundestag and the Parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe Eduard Lintner has said the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not the problem of only Azerbaijan, but of whole Europe.


He told journalists ensuring peace and security in the South Caucasus region was not possible without solving the Karabakh dispute.


The former Bundestag member said Germany supported international law-based settlement of the conflict.


He noted Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity had to be restored and the Armenian armed forces had to withdraw from the occupied territories.


Lintner pointed out to Budgestag`s resolution calling on Armenia to withdraw from the Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent regions.


He added all international organizations condemned Armenia`s aggression policy and called on the country to withdraw from Azerbaijan`s occupied lands.



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