Socialist International's Secretary General briefs journalists in Baku

On July 30th the Secretary General of the Socialist International, Luis Ayala held here a press conference.
Ayala briefed the journalists on the activity of his organization. He said the Socialist International was a worldwide organization of democratic socialist, social democratic, socialist, and labor political parties.
According to him, the Organization includes 170 political parties of which 60 are ruling ones.
On the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the Secretary General said the dispute should be resolved peacefully. Ayala said the Organization had relevant proposals, as well. He noted a committee on various regions including the South Caucasus was operating within the Socialist International which keeps eye on regional problems, the state of democracy and social development.
Ayala pointed out the Socialist International has potential to contribute to resolving the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. "We had relevant discussions in Yerevan and the second round of them will be held in Baku", he added.
The Secretary General underlined "the situation of internally displaced persons concerns us very much".
Touching upon the upcoming parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan, Ayala said his Organization will observe them.



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