Azerbaijanis stage protest outside Iran`s embassy in Berlin

German Azerbaijanis have staged a protest in front of Iran`s embassy in Berlin.
The protest involved members of the Congress of European Azerbaijanis, Coordination Center of German Azerbaijanis, Berlin-Baku Gallery, Turkish-Azerbaijan Union, the Union of Azerbaijani Academicians, German-Azerbaijani Cultural Association in Saxony-Anhalt, Khazar Society, ASN Student and Youth Organization, Germany-Azerbaijan Solidarity Society, Azerbaijan House as well as the Southern Azerbaijani and Turkish communities in Germany.
They protested against the Iranian political circles` and religious leaders` interference in Azerbaijan`s internal affairs, the activity of Iran-based anti-Azerbaijani TV channel Sahar, Iran`s comprehensive support of Armenia, which occupied 20% of Azerbaijan`s lands, the violation of the rights of millions of Iranian Azerbaijanis, including their right to get education in their mother tongue and preserve the national and cultural values, traditions and customs.
The protest culminated with the adoption of an appeal, which was presented to the Iranian embassy.



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