US Senator Roger Wicker: establishment of relations with Azerbaijan is positive

After Cold War US was looking forward to democracy `s future against the background of the changing world. Political and economic transformation of Azerbaijan over past 20 years proves that a promise of freedom is an arduous but extremely strong phenomenon. Building relations with such a stable nation as Azerbaijan is a positive thing, US Senator Roger Wicker said in his speech in a conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of US-Azerbaijan diplomatic relations. 
Wicker said that "today we mark 20 years of alliance and friendship between the US and Azerbaijan, and think of successes and difficulties we faced".
The Senator noted Azerbaijan fights jointly with the US against terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and other threats. At the same time, Azerbaijan is part of a corridor providing supplies to NATO troops in Afghanistan. "We are happy with the day-by-day increasing prestige of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has a significant place in the international arena as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2012-2013," he added.
Representing Mississippi, Roger Wicker said his state established `good` ties with Azerbaijan: "Mississippi and Azerbaijan will continue to contribute to the economic cooperation between the two countries by boosting trade ties. On one of the main issues of our times - energy: Azerbaijan demonstrates leadership in global energy market with its oil and gas pipelines and shows itself as a reliable partner in energy security."
The Senator pointed out that the US community is not enough informed on the US-Azerbaijan alliance, and stressed importance of student exchange for better understanding of Azerbaijan.



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