Azerbaijani FM vows further assistance to ISAF operations

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov reiterated Azerbaijan`s support of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) operations, adding the country will continue assistance.
"Azerbaijan intends to continue to contribute to ISAF operations by sending troops, allowing to use its territory as transit, as well as providing non-military aid programs to fraternal Afghan people," Mammadyarov told a meeting of foreign ministers of the countries contributing to ISAF in Belgium.
"We support the transfer of responsibility to Afghan government for ensuring security, as well as discipline. Afghan government and developing Afghan potential are the main factors for successful completion of transition process. Azerbaijan attaches great importance to the international support issue towards strengthening of opportunities of Afghan National Security Forces."
The Azerbaijani FM noted: "During the visit to NATO headquarters in February 2012, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced the allocation of 1 million euro to Afghanistan National Army Trust Fund and that money has been recently transferred to the Fund`s account. And it is a beginning."
The Foreign Minister noted Azerbaijan believes that the large-scale civil training programs must be another priority sphere.
"Taking into account special needs of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan through various institutions, such as Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA) and Border Service Academy, carries out educational and training programs in Afghanistan."
"ANAMA has recently prepared publications in local languages on mine threat for using in Afghan schools and delivered to that country: "It was highly appreciated by our Afghan friends. I would like to stress the importance of close political dialogue and practical cooperation between Azerbaijan and NATO. These were the main factors contributing to ISAF operations and peace and security in Afghanistan," Mammadyarov said.



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