Baku hosts conference on importance of NATO Chicago Summit

On April 13th a conference on "The importance of NATO Chicago Summit: new opportunities for the Euro-Atlantic Partnership" was held here.
The conference was co-organized by the Embassy of Romania in Azerbaijan, in its capacity as NATO Contact Point Embassy in cooperation with NATO Headquarters and NATO International School of Azerbaijan.
The purpose of the conference was to learn the Azerbaijani community`s stance on the agenda of the NATO Chicago Summit and create opportunities for participants of the event to put forward proposals on respective issues.
The conference was attended by officials of Azerbaijani ministries of Defence, Foreign Affairs, members of Milli Majlis committee on international relations and interparliamentary ties, NATO International Secretariat, representatives of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, Baku State University and diplomatic corps accredited in Azerbaijan.
Addressing the conference Romanian ambassador to Azerbaijan Daniel Cristian Ciobanu said the Chicago Summit would create new opportunities for cooperation between members of the Alliance and partner states. He thanked the Azerbaijani government for the contribution to transportation of goods of NATO to Afghanistan.
Official of Azerbaijan`s Defense Ministry Ramiz Najafov said the Chicago Summit would create opportunities for determination of directions of strategic relations between the Alliance and partner countries. He also noted decisions to be adopted at the Summit would give impetus to deepening future cooperation.
Touching upon Azerbaijan-NATO relations, Najafov underlined the significance of seminars and trainings.
Chairman of Milli Majlis committee on international relations and interparliamentary ties Samad Seyidov, official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gaya Mammadov stressed the importance of the conference in terms of development of NATO-Azerbaijan cooperation.



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